Chapter One

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I can't stand it anymore. The pain, the suffering. Of course you know what I'm talking about: highschool.

Only a sadistic parent would keep their child at home to school them for their primary years, and then send them straight to highschool. Everything is so different after the quiet of living twenty kilometres out of town, and then getting thrust into a public highschool with about one-thousand five-hundred kids in it. At first you think all is fine, you like finally having people around you for once. But of course you don't know anyone, because you've been kept in solitary confinement for the whole of your life. and because you don't know anyone, there is only one outcome: Loner.

I always feel so much more alone here than I ever do at home. At home at least I can talk to my cat. He is my only solice, my only friend. Now I'm not saying that I never used to have friends, I had three or four after the first semester at school. I've never believed in having a whole heap of friends just to make myself popular. I'd much rather have just a couple of really good friends.

But when those good friends ditch me, I'd rather be on my own.

All of today I was snobbing them, I wouldn't answer when they called my name. I wouldn't even look at them. They don't know what they've done, they haven't payed enough attention to find out. All they think is that I've been snobbing them. I don't want them to think that. I want them to realise that they've excluded me from everything they do.

Firstly, my friend that was in the same class as me moved classes. Now she's in a class with another of my friends. Because they're in the same class they exclude me from most of their conversations. My other friend now has a boyfriend, so now she spends all her time with him.

Now my life's just a mess. Nothing makes sense and I don't want it to. I can't be bothered caring anymore, about anything. It doesn't sound like much has happened in my life, but to me it's a lot. I keep telling myself how selfish I'm being; that there are other's out there that are worse off then myself, but nothing seems to get to my head. In a  way I don't want it to.

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