Emperor and Hanged Man

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"Give me a break."

"You appreciate my help don't you Kakyoin."

"I'm not getting into this," he sipped on his tea quietly.

"Come on! I don't always get myself in trouble," silence, "Not all the time at least."

Thinking about it, it was probably time to change some of his bandages anyway. He excused himself from the table and headed over to where the bathroom was, only to hear a loud shattering sound. Rounding the corner, he saw Polnareff standing in front of a broken mirror panting heavily.

"What is it Polnareff?"

"If that was a stand.. finally! Finally! He's here! (Y/N) the stand user who attacks using mirrors is here! The man who killed my sister... I've finally found him!!!" his eyes were clouded over with darkness, his usually happy demeanour replaced with pure anger and vengeance.

"Wait! Polnareff! Let's at least talk to the other's first!"

"I don't want you to get involved with this (Y/N), tell Jotaro and Mr Joestar that I've left," he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Tell me what Polnareff," Joseph rounded the corner, a concerned look painted over his face.

"Mr. Joestar, I'm going to have to act on my own from now on. The man who killed my sister, I know he's close by now, so there's no way I can just sit back and wait for him to ambush us. First off, it's better to act than to counteract. Second it's just not my style to hang around waiting. I'm going to find that bastard and kill him!"

"You're going alone even though you don't know what he looks like or how his stand works?"

"All I need to know if that he has two right hands! Besides, he knows I'm after him too. He should be worrying about my ambush!"

"Then you are merely falling into the enemy's trap!" Avdol stood forward, "Polnareff, you are forbidden from leaving the group!"

"What did you say?! You think I'm going to lose?"

"The enemy is trying to isolate you, that's why they only attacked you! Don't you understand?!"

"Listen, I'm only going to say this once. I don't give a shit about DIO. I already told you in Hong Kong, the only reason I'm travelling with you is to take revenge. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro should understand. I've always worked alone, and I always will."

"You selfish coward!!"

"Can we please talk about this rationally! Polnareff we don't want you to get hurt, we can help yo-" he was suddenly pulled behind Avdol so he wouldn't get caught between the two men.

"Have you forgotten that you were brainwashed by DIO?! Listen to (Y/N) even if you aren't going to listen to me! DIO is the one who started all of this!"

"What the hell would you know about what I'm going through?! Do you know what it's like to lose your sister?! I heard that back when you saw DIO, you ran like a dog! If anyone's the coward here, it's you!!"


"And get your hands off me! Just because you got lucky and beat me in Hong Kong doesn't mean you can boss me around! Hmph, did I strike a nerve? Keep in mind, my mood is far worse than yours right now. You're in no position to boss me around like you always do, Avdol."

"Why you.." he raised his fist, "Mr. Joestar."

"Just forget about it.. let him be. It's his own decision to make, we can't stop him. Don't be angry.."

"No... I am not angry, I am disappointed in him... I thought a him a better man than that..."

(Y/N) quickly ran to catch up to Polnareff, hugging him tightly from behind stopping him in his tracks. The man sighed, unbeknownst to him, a small tracker was placed in his bag by the boy's stand. 

Starry, Starry Night (Stardust Crusaders x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang