27: I Wish You Would Tell Me

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Welcome to another sensitive content warning. Yeah....another one. But not for the same reason as the last time. 

This chapter contains a brief flashback about the sexual assault of a high schooler. Its not too graphic (because I'm not that author. This isn't the type of scene you just toss in) but it is there. 

Viewer discretion is advised. 

If you don't want to read that scene, easy peasy. Just wait until you see the 


(these borders will sandwich the scene) 


The news spread like wildfire. 

Of course it did, the number one hero had been killed. It was brutal too, completely incinerated. No one could quite figure out how a fireproof hero was burned to death, but they knew the league were the prime suspects. Because of that Touya had to leave Musutafu. He had to participate in the Jaku City raid, but he didn't have to be there immediately.

He had to wait for the chaos to reach its peak to be able to get into the city without anyone noticing. 

An hour after it had been announced, the employment of Tomoya as well as the medical staff he had been in the cafe with at the time had been terminated. The university gave him some time off, siting that he needed to recover from the loss. Of course Tomoya agreed. He had left the building after what seemed like a fire alarm malfunction and found his employer dead. 

Of course, Tomoya hadn't actually gone out to a cafe with dr. Kato or nurse Ishida. But Toga had and with just a few drops of blood she was a dead ringer. 

He'd had to take his blood vial back from her after she got a little too excited about looking like him. He wasn't going to let some teenager make his life even harder. 

Currently, five hours after it had been announced, Tomoya and Dabi were driving to a safehouse in the countryside. Shigaraki had prepared it apparently. Hopefully it would be completely set up and have some sort of food. Neither had eaten since that morning, too busy rigging the office and preparing everything. 

Adrenaline was still buzzing in Tomoya's veins. It felt like every neuron in his brain was firing at once, careening across the membrane, slamming into each other like eighty six billion car accidents happening at once. 

Touya sat in the passenger seat, paying far too much attention to Tomoya's expression. Or the lack thereof. He seemed to be searching for something, the slightest furrowing of a brow, a single twitch of the lip. But there was nothing. His face was completely blank. 

The killer tried to tune out of the sound of his own breathing and pay attention to the radio instead. 

"Japan is scrambling to catch those responsible for the death of the number one hero Endeavor." The female reporter announced, her tone urgent. "Unfortunately it appears the League of Villains is no where to be found tonight. Not a single sighting has come in and although police are heavily patrolling the area, they haven't seen a single thing.". 

"All DNA evidence that could have been found at the scene of the atrocity was burned away by the blast that killed Endeavor, leaving us all wondering who, that walks among us now, killed our protector? ". 

Tomoya scoffed at the prattle. Protector. How rich. Just a few months ago the news was trashing him for not living up to All Might's standard. He knew Dabi had a recording set to play in media centers around the country, revealing everything about his father. The misunderstanding would be cleared up quickly but until then he didn't think he could deal with the label of 'savior' on that man. 

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