1: Like An Elevator That Only Goes Up

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"Do you want to talk about it?". 

Dabi looked up, nearly blinding himself when the street light went right in his eyes. They were sensitive from bleeding for a little bit-his body's way of crying since his tear ducts were fused shut. 

"Talk about what?" He asked, his voice wet with tears and his nose stuffy. There was a soft huff from the person in front of him and they stepped into the light. 

Holy fuck they were gorgeous. 

Dressed head to toe in black the stranger was tall and lean, muscular but in a subtle, flexible looking way. He was wearing a tight black turtle neck that could be long sleeved or  a t-shirt-Touya couldn't tell. It was covered by a bulky black trench coat. His pants were a similar pitch black and were tucked into a pair of plain and sleep black boots. 

His face was covered by a black mask, but his jawline sure wasn't. Holy hell. It was sharp enough to cut something. His whole face was framed by soft pink hair that was styled immaculately away from the man's face. He looked over at Touya with blood red eyes that seemed to glitter in the dim light of the pier parking lot at nearly midnight. 

He reached into his pocket and held out a small package of tissues. The pattern on the plastic was surprisingly cutesy and was covered in pastel stars and hearts against a lavender background. Dabi accepted the tissues and wiped his eyes. 

"An ex partner?" The man guessed. Dabi laughed humorously. 

"How could you tell?" He said sarcastically. "The asshole doesn't even deserve to be cried over.". 

"He definitely doesn't." The stranger said. "Men are trash.". 

"They are." Touya said, really feeling that statement tonight. "Especially men who say they love you and then run off with the first pretty girl that comes their way!". 

The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh that's not even the half of it." Dabi said, the frustration audible in his voice. "I confronted him about it, right? And he just tells me that I'm too ugly to be with long term. That I was just a fling that he's 'over' now. We dated for 5 months!". 

"5 months?" The stranger repeated. Dabi nodded seriously. 

"Ugh. I should just fucking turn him to ashes.". To emphasize the point several blue embers flew off his hands. 

"Not a bad plan." The man said, "But you don't want any more reason for the police to search for you. Being part of the League of Villains should be enough for you.". 

"So you do recognize me." Touya smirked. 

"How could I not? You're appearance is rather distinctive. In a good way, of course." The man drawled. "By the way I see some cracking and bleeding on those burns of yours. Try silicone patches. Over the counter, very effective. Reusable too, if you wash them right.".

The villain nodded, noting that down mentally. He'd take pretty much any advice on his skin at this point since he was having so many problems with it. 

"And if I were you," The man began, walking over to the ridiculously luxurious car he had arrived in, "I'd just pity the girl and find someone new.". 

'Someone new?' Dabi thought, looking the man up and down as he opened the trunk. 

Well...he didn't seem to be bothered by the fact Dabi was widely known in the criminal underground. He was exactly his type and had already proved himself a gentleman. 

Touya could go for someone like-

His thoughts were stopped abruptly when he caught sight of what the mysterious man was doing.

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