~Chapter 1-He's Dead?~

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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many children as possible...

He got eight of them...


As Eight walked into the living room, cigar in hand, she didn't help but feel an odd feeling in her stomach.

"Miss Eight"

She turned around to the academy's butler, Pogo.

"Morning Pogo." She greeted taking a puff of her cigar. "You know. Your father would've despised using that inside" he motioned to the cigarette. "Yeah but that's never stopped me before has it?" she replied walking over to the painting over the fireplace.

"Hm. Feels like only yesterday I got back thinking he was right behind me." she chuckled glancing at the portrait of herself and Five, playing with the ring on her finger. "Definitely wasn't yesterday. It's been what 4 y-" "4 Years 3 months and 19 days since you arrived, and 16 years four months and 14 days since Number Five and yourself both fled. Only he hasn't come back." Pogo finished as she gave him a questioning look.

"Your father insisted I'd keep track." He replied with a nod. "Yeah that bastard keeps track of anything we do. Major stalker move if you ask me, especially knowing he never really treated us as loved children." rolling her eyes as she took one last puff, throwing the cigar into the fire.

"Speaking of your father.. Well, I have some unfortunate news for you." Pogo stated sadly as he put his head down.

"What? The asshole die of a stroke?" she laughed looking at the chimp.

He cleared his throat giving her a look, as she shut up realizing that she was right.

"Oh shit are you serious?-" She asked shocked. "I'm afraid so. I've already rang your siblings, and they are all expected to come this afternoon. I expect you to dress accordingly if you wouldn't mind, and consider coming to the service?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm, walking away.

Is this real life?-

This would be the first time she'd see her siblings since her and Five left hand in hand together. Everyone except Vanya. Only a few days after Eight came back, Vanya came to visit Pogo, Mom and Dad. Vanya didn't to expect to see her sister that had been missing for 12 years. At least for the rest of the family. Eight and Five had been gone for decades, but Eight stopped keeping track and left it to Five to keep count.

Nothing had changed with her. She still looked like a 13 year old girl, she had the same bitchy attitude, only she had become more closed off with her emotions. She asked Vanya not to tell any of her siblings that she returned. Eight didn't feel like dealing with the questions from her siblings of what happened, and where Five was. More or less not wanting to deal with Luther's brainless questions.

12 years ago...

With a box of cookies in hand, Number 7 walked into the foyer of the Academy. Everyone had left the academy a few years ago but Vanya would still come visit time to time.

Luther had been sent to the moon a few months ago, on a mission to watch for extraterrestrial threats by Reggie. Diego left to go work for the Police Department, but mainly just to leave the hell-hole that he called home. Allison left and became a famous actress and married a man and became pregnant with his child. Klaus ended up getting into heavy drugs and ended up going to rehab. Ben died on a mission almost 10 years ago, but no one ever spoke of it. Vanya ended up leaving last and went to live on her own and began engaged into violin more.

Five and Eight left together during breakfast and went missing. Everyone eventually gave up hope that they'd come back, or presumed they were dead. Everyone except Vanya. She kept her head high praying her best friend would come back. She'd leave out their favorite snacks and left a light on in case they came home.

Vanya and Eight had the strongest bond growing up. Vanya was the first to suspect Eights feelings for Five before Eight knew herself.

Walking into the living room setting down the cookies on a table, Vanya walked over to the painting of her siblings.

"Miss Vanya?"

Vanya turned around to see an exhausted looking Pogo. He looked as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Hey Pogo. I thought I'd come by and bring some cookies. You look tired, are you ok?" She asked with concern.

"Yes yes I'm fine, just a bit of a mad night." He replied softly. "I appreciate the cookies Ms. Vanya but this is not a very good time..."

"No no I won't be long I just wanted to come and drop this off.." She reached into her coat and pulled out a book titled 'Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven'.

"It's um- It's a signed copy and it doesn't come out for a couple weeks, but I figured.. Hey why not y'know..." She said nervously as Pogo looked at it in a bit of shock.

"Well- Um.. Well done Ms. Vanya. It's fascinating to see you've grown to tell your part of the story.. "

"Yeah... well anyways I should head out I've got a violin lesson in a few so-" "Pogo is everything okay...?" A voice said from the top of the stairs. Vanya did a double take as she recognized the voice. As if the voice never changed, only sounding a bit scratch from crying.

Right before her eyes, Number Eight stood stunned to see her favorite sibling and best friend standing before her.

"Eight?" Vanya asked teary eyed

"Hey V... it's- it's good to see you again" She replied walking over to her sister.

They gave each other a hug as they cried, not believing that they were standing beside each other. 

"What? When did you come back, and why do you look as if you never left?" Vanya asked in pure shock. "It's a long story. I don't really feel like talking about it right now though..." Eight replied looking down at her shoes.

She was wearing a Navy-Blue dress that seemed a few sizes too big, barefoot, and with a ring sitting on her right ring finger.

Vanya glanced at the ring and asked "Where did you get this? Or who gave you this, and where's Five?"  Eight looked down sadly and replied with a soft voice, tears in her eyes "Uh Five gave it to me... and he didn't come with me."

Vanya looked at the girl with a confused face and held her as they cried in each other's arms. Relieved that they found each other again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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