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We are allowed to dress up formally for Extended Learning Day tomorrow. Does the image look formal enough? I'm wearing a dark navy blazer (with the sleeves rolled up because it's too long otherwise), a black abaya/borca/jilbab/whatever it's called, a black feather print headscarf and a purple and black rose print scarf around my neck. Formal enough?

P.S: this is a dilemma for me I promise. Also, istolethecookiez360, please read this on the 27/04/15 or I will die!!!! o(>ω<)o

EDIT: 28/04/15

I lied. My outfit changed. Instead of wearing the feather print one on my head, I wore it around my neck. On my head, I wore a black and gold flowery scarf.

EDIT: 30/04/15

OMG I didn't actually post this. Sorry!

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