Chapter 48 " Kitty, Don't let go"

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Minute passed or hours he couldn't feel them as he turned off his room light and kept looking through his window for hours as she was sitting on the wooden house window holding a dove that was nipping on her finger

He can feel her confusion He can feel she needs to understand what Soumya did, He can feel the thoughts crowded in her mind as much as it crowds on his but a faint knock took him out of his thoughts

Shivaay: you can enter

Rudra opened the door room and his eyes widened and said

Rudra: Shivaay bhai, why are you sitting in the dark

Shivaay: you know she didn't sleep till now, she is not sleeping well for two days

Rudra looked at Anika and he smiled faintly and said

Rudra: I didn't know that She never shared it with me although she is very talkative

Shivaay looked at Rudra who his smile vanished and said

Rudra: I am sorry I am still not used to the fact that she is Surbhi and I should be more respectable in my words on her to you

Shivaay nodded faintly then he said

Shivaay: yes you should

Rudra: bhai Please don't get angry on Bhabhi or hurt from her .she

Shivaay looked at him with wide smile: get angry on her? Are you mad (Then he looked at her and said) she grow up on my hand I know her thoughts before she think of them nothing she can do to me that can make me even slightly doubtful she doesn't trust me or she didn't care for me more than anyone in this world (then he smiled faintly) and nothing she can do that can hurt me (Then he smiled and said) I wish she just remember that

Rudra: she remembers things She even said she remembers

Shivaay stopped him with his hand and said.

Shivaay: I don't want to know about it If she remember what matters I will know (Then he shook his head ) my pain is just what she remembers And I don't want her to remember that (Then he said in low tone) she already saw enough of that

Rudra pulled a chair and sit beside him

Shivaay: how did you know that the pain is what she remembers?

Shivaay took a moment and said

Shivaay: I don't (then he looked at him and said) you came to ask me that?

Rudra: actually bhai.. Soumya

Shivaay looked the other way and back on Anika and said

Shivaay: I told you love her as much as you want Just don't tell me about it

Rudra smiled widely taking this as a first ray of hope as he said happily

Rudra: ok bhai I will (Then he smiled widely and said) and so you know bhai, Surbhi loves you so much and she is really, really, really in love, she shared that

Shivaay smiled widely and shook his head in disbelief

Shivaay: now I understand why both of you are partners in crime as she calls you

Rudra smiled and said: Bhabhi is the best friend I ever had

Shivaay smile vanished and said: but you are not her best friend, you know !!

Rudra smiled and said: yes, sir she made that clear many times

Shivaay nodded and said: do you think she will remember me?

Rudra didn't answer as Shivaay nodded faintly and said

Shivaay: I think so too, She doesn't want to remember (then he took a deep breath and said) you may leave, Rudra I want to sleep

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