Chapter 8 - Her Secret

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Anni walked around the whole cliff area but still there was no sign of X. She huffed for the nth time. Her mind's going crazy thinking how will she tell him everything. There is a sliver of doubt that X wouldn't support her but then she shakes off these thoughts out of her mind. She cannot go back. There isn't any other way to do this.

Svetlana hasn't done anything till now. She is aware how that woman isn't the one behind all the ruckus but she as to find out the person as soon as possible. She cannot stay in dark. All these years she had been focusing on herself, her company. She was working to create a world of her own to keep everyone safe. Ary, Ansh, Ayna, everyone.

She cannot let her ship sink; she has done too much hard work to let it go. She cannot just back out now. But X knows her. He knows what all she has gone through. He was at every step of her life after she left herself shattered both mentally and physically. She has shared the secret she swore she won't tell anyone with him.

He knows her in and out.

This is what makes her worry, her forehead crease in tension. Because if he doesn't support her in this, then she has just herself in this game she's going to play. She will move forward alone, but she will. There is no other option. She has to make him understand all of this.

There's so much at stake. So much to lose, and they cannot just stop.

She returned to the parking lot. Her eyes eyeing every person there. Maybe he didn't leave his car, maybe he was late. There are so many possibilities. But she is sure that he is here. Because X doesn't leave her hanging ever. he has done so many things but leaving her hanging hasn't been any of them.

If he says he's there, then he is there.

That's one thing she likes about him, among others. He makes her curious, to know his real identity, his real past and not the one that he made up and told her the first time she shared her's. She has never forced him though. She wants him to open up on his own just like she did. No pressure.

Her eyes ignored the couple making out in one corner, who had no idea of the world surrounding them. There was no trace of X. She scanned every car, and they all were empty or filled with a couple busy in within themselves. She came back to her car, leaning on the bonnet of her car she dialed is number.

The phone rang twice before he picked it up. She sucked in a breath as she heard his voice. She'd never get over it. The surprise and goosebumps she felt every time after hearing him on call. His voice was deep and carried an elegance in it. The sharp accent of New York city could be heard clearly.

" What? "

" Where are you? " She muttered, managing to get out of the sudden trance she went into after hearing him. It's been pretty long time since she heard him. The last time they spoke was face to face in Scotland where she had gone for business and called him to meet her there. And that was 6 months prior. After that she so busy in the handling of Soar and planning Svetlana's doom that she couldn't contact him.

He too was busy, had shared with her about the upcoming situation of trouble in his office. There were too many problems for him to look at. He had to give sometime to his business as well. She has no idea what he does but she knows that it is something big, something that requires a lot of time and dedication. Hence, they decided for a break.

But how could she go on a break? She cannot stop until she finds the person who turned her life a mystery, who forced her to grow up early, who forced her to hide herself, who took away her identity from her. She cannot stop until she finds him, catches him and end him, for good. She cannot put a halt on her mind until and unless she gets what she wants.

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