11. The Masks We Wear

Start from the beginning

The days went by melting together as if they were one. Each day was equally tiring and equally monotonous.

Erik and I held my singing lessons whenever I could safely get away. Now that people were starting to notice my absence we needed to be more careful. Soon enough, with the great aid of his musical training, my voice grew and developed. It sounded so beautiful I could hardly believe it was mine.

"I don't bring you down here to clean, Mélodie," Erik chided me as I gathered up some of the loose pieces of parchment.

"It's in my blood, Erik," I stood up from my bent over position and straightened the papers in my arms.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind and brought my mouth to his. Lost in Erik's kiss I let the pieces of parchment slip from my grasp.
Much like his domain Erik left me in a mess.

With my voice developing so nicely I could hardly refrain from releasing it. As I folded the costumes of tonight's performance I let it soar and fill the spaces between the floor boards and fill the cracks in the walls.

Placing a shirt that needed mending into a basket I heard someone applauding.

Maurice sat on a chair almost completely hidden behind racks of gowns clapping with his mouth formed into a small 'o', "That. Was. Amazing! Where did you learn to sing like that?!"

My cheeks burned a deep red, "Oh, Maurice, I hadn't seen you there. It's usually empty up here this time of day. How long have you been listening?"

He stood and walked over to me, that 'o' permanently plastered on his mouth, "Not long. Mélodie, why have you kept such a voice hidden?"

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "Nobody would pay to listen to a maid's voice."

"Nonsense! Mél, you're fantastic!" he rested his hands on my upper arms, "But you didn't answer my question. Where did you learn to sing like that?"

Strangely I felt trapped in his half embrace, "Does it matter?"

"Ofcourse it does! A tutor like that should be teaching singers all over the world!"

I chuckled slightly, "I agree."

"So who is it?" his blue eyes awaited an answer.

I glanced down at our shoes before meeting his expectant gaze, "A man I met in town."

I hated lying. Despised it. Especially to Maurice. But what choice do I have?

"Is that where you've been going off too?!" he laughed a laugh of relief and took a seat on a stool close by, "My, it all makes sense. Vi will be relieved."

I brought my brows together, "Violette?"

"Yes! She mentioned something about you wandering off. She's been terribly worried about you. Wait until she hears you sing!" his smile caused a strange sick feeling in my stomach.

"No you mustn't tell her. Or anyone, Maurice."

"But why not?! You're sensational!"

"No," I fiddled with the shirt I was holding, "I have a feeling she wouldn't approve."

"Wouldn't approve?! Why not?! I know for a fact you two share a passion for music! Why would she be upset her best friend is so talented in something you both love?"

"Non (no), Maurice, s'il te plaît (please), you...you wouldn't understand," my words drifted over to him and caused his face to fall.

He placed his hands on his thighs, "Has something happened?"

"Maurice, please. Don't ask me to explain. It's...complicated. Please, mon ami (my friend)."

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