Jimin is Sick?!

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Jin's Pov..
I made Breakfast and called the others to come downstairs.. All came running down hearing the word food and sat down on their respective places.. Jimin is not yet.. but still all seats are filled.. Oh yeah, Kook is here.. i guess jimin us still sleeping. let me give them all food and go wake him up..
Right when i was about to go upstairs i flinched when i heard a Thud sound. what-

Jimin's pov..(mention of starvation)

I feel so sticky and sweaty but also cold at the same time.. I dont want to wake up.. my head feels so heavy and its hurts. Same as my tummy, it hurt so bad.. Is it because i didnt eat anything for a while? yes, i skipped some meals cause sometimes ill be tired and hungry but i dont know how to cook and sometimes there will be only spicy foods and i hate it..

Jeez, i feel so nauseous.. i wanna puke and i tried to but nothing came out.. I feel so tired and dizzy and i want my hyungs to help me but i can't even get myself up and call my hyungs to help.. I hate myself for feeling so week.. My hyungs will definitely hate me cause im annoying.. no, i shouldn't disturb them..ill take care of myself yes i can. I put my left out strength to get up and my kness feel week.. Just when i stood up i felt my world around me go black..

Namjoon's pov..
When i was about to eat i heard a thud sound upstairs..Jin hyung ran upstairs and I ran behind Him.. Hyung knocked on jimins room door but no response.. I asked hobi to get the spare key and after he got it we opened the door and once again we called out for jimin.. the bathroom light was on so i thought he is in but What i saw in there when i got in Made me cry.. Jimin on the floor unconsious.

I picked him up and laid him in bed. Oh no, He is burning up too.., Jin hyung said he will bring soup for jimin and left.. Hobi took a water bowl and towel, He wetted the towel with water and wipped jimins face and neck.. I just sat next to jimin and held his hands.. Tae said He will Help jin and Yoongi sat next to hobi and massaged his head lightly.

I saw Jungkook sat near the corner of the bed with a frown on his face.. what he is about to do?..Then he touched his feet and gave a light massaged to it.. I smiled thinking how sweet he is to jimin.. I hope they will get along soon.

Jungkook's pov..
What happen to him? Why did he fainted? He is okay? will he be alright soon? He look so hurt. and sad too. Is it because of.....me? Wait- why i feel a clench in my chest when i think he is hurt bcoz of me?.. Whatever it is, i dont care. I want him to recover soon, Thats it..Then Jin hyung entered the room with soup and tae had some medicine in his hand..

They woke him up gently with soft voice. He whimpered a little and started whinning that he want to sleep.. then Namjoon hyung said he have to eat food and take medicine.. but jimin kept whining.. I wanted to feed him by myself so I lightly pushed hobi hyung back and sat in his place.. I took the soup bowl from jin hyung and called out for jimin he opened his eyes and looked at me with glossy eyes and frown on his forehead with a pout.. So cute 'No jk this is not the time'.

Jimin's pov..
I felt so sweaty and hot. Hyung's are trying to wake me up but my head feels like pounding and the sunlight will hurt my eyes.. i just want to sleep all day, But I heard Joon hyung voice waking me up to eat and take medicines, but i dont want to.. medicines are yucky.. Im hungry but i dont want to open my eyes.. i know it will hurt my eyes. But suddenly i heard a different voice that doesnt belong to any of my hyungs.. I slowly opened my eyes to see them but i dont feel any brightness or pain.. thats when i noticed a hand cupped my face next to my the hand was preventing my eyes from light.. I looked at his face. It was.....Jungkook?

Yoongi's pov..
Jk is covering his eyes so it will not hurt jimin.. How cute, I chuckled to myself but what happened next made us all shocked..

Jk: I know you are hungry, Now can you sit up So i can feed you, hm?
Jm: b-but..
Jk: No buts.. Im said sit up.. Look if you eat now and take the medicine, i will let you sleep all day if you want ok?
Jm: o-ok..
Jk: Good. Here say ah..

And jimin took it like a good lil baby he is.. what made me surprised is, Jimin will not eat if its not jin or us who is feeding but he just accepted and started eating His food silently.. I just wish they will get along soon..

(Here is the next part, Im sorry if i update slow.. im sick Cause i ate too much of ice creams and drinks with my friends 😅.. I hope you enjoy this.. Plz vote and comment my stories. Thank you- SPJ 💜)  

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