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Im in my class, I was not in my mood to listen to lectures. after my class My teacher called and asked if im ok or am i sick etc..I just said im ok and smiled at his concern, well basically everyone in my school even teachers like me so much..

when i was walking back home from work..i saw a guy letting 2 other boys to kiss him and touch him. Its Jeon jungkook But i couldn't figure out the 2 boys so i just ran away..

I wanted to tell my hyungs but, wouldn't they be hurt? well my hyungs can be hurt now, but if i didnt tell them now they will feel more sad later.. I ran to my house and about to knock but i realize i dont have proof. They will not believe me..i just know it.

I just slowly opened the door got inside to see the decorations on wall that spells Welcome. A part of me wanted it for me..but the other part said its not for me and i myself know its the 2nd thing in my case..

Jin hyung and hobi hyung took me to the couch and said i should listen to them carefully.. Now im nervous a Bit- No im so damn nervous..

Jin hyung called me "Jimin" now im not nervous anymore im Scared.  he never calls me with my name he will call me minnie, baby or at least min when he is angry.

He continued "You know we all 6 are in a relationship.. so we thought that one more addition to our group wont hurt.."

I knew it. They are getting him in our relationship, Just Great.. But before even i reply them Hobi hyung. "well i hope you will accept it cause if you did we all will be so happy..and we decided it will be a surprise for you and To meet them. Tae and Namjoon gone to pick him up.."

wait- That means those two boys who was kissing him was Joonie and Taetae. Now im broken so broken.. I cant stop my tears.. Jin hyung asked me "whats wrong?" And came to hug me i lightly backed up said "Its Jungkook isn't it?. Well dont worry, if you are happy.. Im happy. I just hope you will not b-break up with me" and as soon as i said that i got more tears ran down face and i left to my room.

Why this have to happen to me Am i not a Good boyfriend..I love them so much. i do and gave what ever they want, other than my 1st time i did everything with them.. so why not me and why that play boy brat..why cant you love me like old days.. i miss you all and..i love you hyungs so much..😢

(ha sorry for the late post, Something (good) happened so i lost track of time..Plz vote and comment on my stories..-SPJ 💜)

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