The truth..

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I was so wrong to think that the lost interest in me day by day..

No, They completely lost interest in me, They stopped thinking about me, They started to ignore my calls and text..They even stopped wishing Gud n8..I can feel my tears rolling down my cheeks..But i cant do anything not when i know the reason..

Yes, I know the reason. Its a person or should i say my nightmare in human form..His name is Jungkook our school new student also basket ball team member. The moment he came inside the school he got everyones attention but what i didnt expect is for him to get My Boyfriend's attention too..I didnt believe it at 1st,

No, I trusted them but then I started doubting it when i saw them often coming to cafe that i work and just sitting for some times and leave after that with a Down face.. I tried talking to them but they said they will talk once i come back home or they have to leave soon cause they got some work..

Yes, They never talk to me in the cafe i don't even know why they are coming until one day..
As usual when they were seated in their usual place suddenly, I saw a smile on their face all looking at same direction..I looked at the direction were their eyes got stuck..and there he was standing Wearing his Sports shirt still in sweats..Jeon jungkook.

No, I didn't cry at least not out loud I got tears in my eyes and i tried hard to control them..before even i cry out my co-worker Jieun (IU) said that she will take it.. Why Cause, she may or may not have a crush on him So i just nodded and left..She took his order with a smile but i know he is 'GaY'.

Yes, i know Jungkook is Gay. but i dont have the strength to say that now cause if i talk out i might choke on my tears..So i ran to the back room and and started crying. so this is the reason that made them ignore and avoid me, that made them lose interest in me, That made them stop loving me..
But i don't hate them..

No i don't.I just can't and probably will never cause i love them too much to hate them, i can't even be mad at them. I can never stop loving them either..They are my love my life my everything..

Yes, They broke my heart but i just dont want them to feel annoyed by me.. as long as im with them im happy..Their happiness is my 1st priority, so i just washed my face and got out of the room to see my Boyfr- My hyungs looking at him, some with sad eyes and some with jealous eyes as JK and IU kept on talking.. Well the thing is JK is a playboy so even if he is a gay he will flirt with girls but never stay with one..

No, He don't do relationships but.. wait- what if they confess to them. I surely will get heart broken but they all will get hurt once they came to know about the truth and I think confronting directly is a good idea then hiding it..who knows Maybe it is..

Yeah, Maybe..

(Jungkooks entry..Well im sorry if it triggered or hurt anyone..And its not my intention to portrait jk as a bad guy but plz put up with me cause there are many things kookie gonna do *evil laughs*..😅😅 So anyways stay tuned and vote my stories -SPJ 💜)

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