Ch. 8: Hurtful Words Towards the Plant Man

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The guy looks over at Bushroot and says, "Don't know, man. But an ad online said for us to come to the middle of the city of St. Canard. I hope they at least have booze, man." Bushroot says, "You okay?" 

The guy says, "Heh heh. I just ate a special brownie, man. I'm high as fuck right now. Peace out, plant dude." He walks with the others. Bushroot says, "I wonder what it is." He follows everyone else.

As soon as he gets there, he sees at least five hundred to six hundred people standing around. He looks ahead and he sees someone coming out. He's shocked when he sees that it's you. He realizes something else. He backs away because you have that restraining order against him and he has to be at least ninety feet away from you. He says, "What is SHE doing here? What is she up to?" 

You're not alone. With you is Splatter Phoenix. You stand upon a stone where a statue used to stand over sixty years ago until they took it down because it resembled something offensive and hurtful. You get a megaphone up and you put it up to your (mouth/beak). 

You say, "People of St. Canard! Welcome!" They look at each other and they look at you. You say, "Now, I know this may seem awkward and weird to some of you, but I have a few things to share! Because I know most of you believe I'm an evil bitch, now!" 

Splatter Phoenix says, "You heard her! Listen up, chumps!" You grin and you say, "Awe. Thanks for having my back, Splats." She says, "No problem, girlie. Do what you gotta do." You say, "Gladly." 

You look over and you see Bushroot standing further away. You grin and you say, "Ooh, even better. Shit head is here." Splatter Phoenix says, "He's here?" You say, "Now I know what to say. And I want him to hear it." Splatter Phoenix says, "Do it, chick. He's the one who made you this way in the first place." 

Also, Drake Mallard happens to be there. And his adopted daughter Gosalyn. The one living being you still care about. Even with the way you are, now. And since you still have a soft spot for children and animals, but nobody else unless it's Splatter Phoenix or your mom. With Drake and Gosalyn is a buffer duck man named Launchpad McQuack. He's friends with Drake and acts as a protective uncle towards Gosalyn.

You talk through the megaphone and you say, "Now that I see the exact individual here with us this evening, I have some shit to say! That's right... I'm talking about Reginald Bushroot!" You point over. They look at him and Bushroot says, "Oh no. (Y/N)! You have to stop this!" 

You say, "Why should I, you shit head?!" Splatter Phoenix grins. You say, "You're the dumbass who made me this way!" Everyone gasps. Gosalyn looks up at you and says, "What?" She looks at Drake and says, "Dad, is she serious?" Drake sighs and grabs Gosalyn's hand. He says, "It's true, honey." 

You say, "You all heard me! That bloated fucking bum over there made me into this remorseless, plant hating, sociopathic tyrant I am now! You all can say anything you want about me! At least I know I'm horrible, now! Trust me! I'm fully fucking aware!" 

Bushroot is getting a gut feeling about what you're getting to. You see Gosalyn and you say this, "Gosalyn Mallard!... Hi there." Gosalyn says, "Umm." She barely waves. You look at her and you say, "Listen up, sweetheart. Here's my advice to you and all the other young girls or gay boys thinking about dating a guy later on... Don't!" The younger ones including Gosalyn look at you.

You say, "You heard me, Gos... Do NOT date! Save yourself the embarrassment! The hurt! The pain I went through. Relationships fucking suck!... Wanna know what I thought was going to happen when Reggie took me to that garden?" Gosalyn says, "(Y/N). What happened?" Reggie looks at you.

You say, "I'll tell you, honey... When he took me to that garden he created with his powers, I was happy. I was nice once. I loved. I cared... too much that is. But after being cheated on over seven times and hurt by previous guys, I had high hopes for Reggie. He had issues dating, too. We met and I was happy. He took me to that garden and told me that he had a surprise for me. Guess what I thought he was going to do." Gosalyn says, "What?" You look over at Reggie and you say this, "I thought he was going to propose to me. As his fiancée." 

Bushroot is shocked to hear this and saddened. You smirk and you say, "But boy, was I wrong? Way wrong. He ambushed me. He had his plants bind me and he called me a garden digger. Kind of like a gold digger. A woman who only likes a man for his money. Well apparently, I found out Reggie thought I only wanted him for his plants and flowers. I loved him. I fucking loved him! And he had the audacity to hurt me more than any other fucker out there!!" 

Bushroot looks away and sighs. You look over at him and you say, "As a matter-of-fact Reggie... Fuck you! Fuck... you. You shit head!! It's your fault I'm this abusive, plant hating, remorseless piece of shit now! You sucked the care right out of me yourself, Reggie! You had this coming! You wanna ambush me, I'll do it back! Like right now!"

Everyone's in shock, but you didn't care. You say, "What goes around, comes around, am I right?" You chuckle and you say, "I'm done with you, Reginald Bushroot. I'm done. You look less like somebody I would take back... and more like someone who's going to masturbate to hentai for the rest of his life." 

The same guy that's high says, "Damn, man. That's some intense shit." Your parents happen to be there and they're shocked and saddened by what you just said. Your mom is absolutely heartbroken. Your dad holds her close.

You smirk. Everyone's in shock. Bushroot looks down. You step down and you say, "Come on, Splats. Let's go for a drink. I needed to vent." She says, "Gladly. I love how honest you were. Brutal and cold. Drinks are on me." 

You say, "Sweet." You both walk off. Launchpad says, "Oh my god. That was a crushing blow on Bushroot." Drake says, "Let's go home. We need to get Gosalyn ready for school, tomorrow." He, Launchpad and Gosalyn leave. 

She says, "My god. Is that what heartbreak does to someone? I've never seen anything that bad." Drake says, "At least she's still nice to YOU, Gosalyn. That's a plus." Launchpad says, "Poor Bushroot, though. He looked like he regretted it. In fact, he looks really depressed and tired." Drake says, "Yeah. He really does. Makes me feel really sorry for him, despite him being one of my arch nemeses." They take off.

Everyone leaves. Bushroot looks even more depressed than ever. He looks away. No other expression. He has no strength in him to yell or be mad at anyone. After what you said... in front of a lot of people, he feels more... dead. 

He gets his phone out and he calls Liquidator. He gets this, "Hello? Reginald?" "Buddy... Tell the guys bye for me." "What are you getting to, Reginald?" "I'm done, Liquidator. I'm done with everything. If I can't have (Y/N)... I won't have anyone." He hangs up and he heads home.

A Bitter Being (Bushroot x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu