"Life on cybertron" summary with commentary

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so to preface, I originally wrote this whole entire thing as a comment to a transformers YouTuber's video about the fanfiction community and many of its tropes when it comes to Transformers prime fanfiction specifically. so, just as an FYI, when I say "you ", I was referring to the YouTuber, when they said that a common cringe transformers prime OC trope for transformers prime fanfiction Are Mary Sue's, which by no doubt are, but I just wanted to share some of my personal experiences with that, and what my thoughts were about it 😁.

so, here we go. 

What you said was interesting about "your OC always being the hero "because I remember in my comic book I made when I was a toxic fan of transformers prime in my early adolescence, I made an OC who was supposed to be bumblebee's love interest, and oh my gosh it was played out in such a horribly awkward way XD I've been really wanting to share it via posting a video of me sharing it on YouTube, but unfortunately I lost the comic book again it's somewhere in storage yet again in some box somewhere 😭😭😭 But yeah I remember it was just so cringe, and actually, so while yes she did get introduced by her assisting bumblebee in a fight, basically what happened was, I wrote this comic book before I even knew that a film came out and I didn't even know that the film came out until long after I left the fandom, which I got to watch the movie recently. Though at the time, all I knew was that predaKing was still alive and I had no idea that he started to side with the auto bots and see the deception of the Deceptacon's . So anyway basically, the comic book starts off with bumblebee and smokescreen at some sort of training arena/gym in the newly revitalized Cybertron, and he suddenly got a crush on my OC, speeder, and I really just had to make him look like he started having lustrous thoughts lol 😅😭🤦

 like I said, it got really really cringe real fast XD Not to mention, this was done in the very consistent look of a typical 10 year olds ability to draw manga, basically, facial features morph and change from panel to panel. I mean I guess 10 year old me was trying, and so there's that 😆 But anyways as I was saying, how they met was that smokescreen was sort of gawking at her, and then it was like "whoa bumblebee look at her! "And then that's when he was all like "oh wow 🥵" and because of his prolong staring at her, she walked towards him, concerned, and asks if he's OK. Oh yeah and she even leans into his face, as he sitting and she is standing. I guess I just really wanted to see their faces get that close XD Despite this, she supposedly wasn't thinking anything romantic at the time, and was just wondering why the heck he was staring at her like that. He answers something along the lines of "yeah, I'm fine "or something like that I don't remember precisely what he said but it was something along those lines. I so later on, bumblebee happens to run into predicating, and starts to attack him and he's kind of struggling fighting predicating, and then speeder comes into the rescue! And then so they team up and fight him, and then they reduce themselves to each other, shake hands as they're walking away from it all, which actually had a scene where they decided to stuff predicating into a garbage dump, why? Because adolescent 10-year-old me thought it was funny lol 😆 So as they're walking away laughing at the end of the battle, that's when they introduced each other to themselves and shake hands and such, but then right then she comments on how she doesn't feel very well and then she passes out, and of course has to land in his arms! I am completely serious when I say that I feel nauseated typing this out XD I really am feeling physically nauseous exact same way I do when I'm on a long car road trip XD Despite that, I really wanna share the weird-ass cringe fest of a fanfiction with fellow Transformers fan/veteran transformers vans, because yes I'm a veteran transformers fan whos just feeling very lonely and finds an ounce of solace in transformers prime content currently, as for some odd reason early adolescence seems to be everyone's heyday of nostalgia. It's nice to hang out in a space where other people appreciate your nostalgia for transformersprime, because I barely know anybody in my personal life who was into it as I was at the time. It's kind of fun to roast ones old fanfiction's with people who ever explored along the same lines of transformers and such. Anyway, I suppose I should go back to the comic So basically, for understandable reasons, bumblebee becomes very alarmed, and because at the end of the television series, Ratched said he was going to stay behind on earth because he felt he had some duties he was obliged to do there at that base, and probably with the humans there too, Babbu be contacted ratchet and he was ground bridged to earth and he got to see Raf again, which actually by the way I forgot to mention at some point there was a scene I think in between when speeder and bumblebee first met and when the predicament an incident happened, the bumblebee of course, the cliché, of dude has a crush on girl, talks to his dude bro friend about it in an awkward and dilapidated manner, and so that dude bro friend ends up being smokescreen, and so they talk a little bit about speeder and then, because Skype was at its heyday in 2013, I had Rafael call bumblebee through Skype, because the band with can go that far XD I even added SFX that replicated the bloop bleep bloop sounds of someone calling you on Skype XD Yes on anyway, they had a video chat and I think what interrupted it was like bad Internet connection? I don't remember honestly LOL really I do hope to find that comic book again sometime soon, I do hope we get to find which box it's in, I would like to read it even though it's very masochistic of me to do so. I guess I prefer being nauseous from my own cringe fanfiction than a car ride XD So yeah he gets ground bridged to earth, and basically it ends up being a to be continued because ratchet realizes just how serious the condition is, and it kind of cut off there, with the cliffhanger of whether speeder was going to live or not. I had a plan on how I wanted the comic to conclude in part two, which would be that basically she was damaged beyond repair. By the way for anyone confused, I kind of intended it to be that she was kind of holding up the side of being OK and even from her self subconsciously until she just, couldn't hold her self up anymore. Basically she appeared all strong and fierce at first, but she actually took some damage that she ignored until she lost consciousness. Oh yeah and actually just now I just remembered some more of the panel imagery I made at the time, which was just out of nowhere, big plumes of black smoke started coming out of her back. So yeah anyway what was supposed to happen in part two, is that it's discovered that she was engineered a very specific way when she was forged in the Allspark, that she had a special Cybertronian organ added to her, that would basically allow her to completely regenerate. Big loophole there, but to be honest especially looking back and I think I was conscientious of this as well, that was kind of a common way for transformers prime to dodge loopholes, where there be some sort of mystical device of some sort to "bring things back to normal ". I mean between the Omega keys, the device to help bring back the primeness in Optimus prime so he can go back to being Optimus prime instead of being forever Orion pax, so on and so forth. I was thinking that upon further research and analyzation of speeder and her biology, she had one of these organs and just like how the show does, one individual will just go on a full info dump on how that works. Basically, ratchet would explain how this device works to basically us the audience as well as bumblebee and the kids, so I guess that's going along with how the show usually goes, but I still very much consider this comic cheesy and cringe because I really had to make a self insert character because of my irrational crush of bumblebee at 10 XD I mean I don't mean to judge any particular individual who is into that, and I know bumblebee is a very mild crush compared to many other people, but still though, I am very much nauseated by this fanfiction because it's made solely for the purpose of adding a self insert character XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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