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I looked at the officer wondering why he could be asking about my father. He seemed to realize my confusion and answered my question without me asking it.

"you are only 17. you can't live by yourself yet."

"I don't know who my father is and I don't want to know who he is he ruined my life"

"I'm sorry Davina, you have no other family" I wonder how the cop knew my name. I guess living in a small town everybody really does know everybody.

"pack your bags, we'll take you to the station overnight and you'll be on your way tomorrow."



I don't know how this cop knew so much about me when all the other cops seemed clueless.

"how do you know who my father is?"

"I was good friends with your mom and your dad back in the day. Good times."

"what's his name?'


"my Father"

"Pete Mitchell call-sign: Maverick"

"call-sign?" I questioned

"your dad is a pilot and one darn good one too one of the best."

That makes sense on how my parents met. my mom mentioned that she did something for the Navy I don't remember what she did. 

I got up and started to walk upstairs to get my stuff. I just now let the fact that my mom was dead enter my mind. I was upset, my mom never did treat me right, but she was still my mom and it makes it even worse that I'm going to have to live with someone for the next year that I'd never even met. I wonder what my dad looks like I assume I must like somewhat like him considering that I look nothing like my mom. she has blonde hair I have long, black hair. my mother had deep brown eyes, I have bright green eyes. 

When I got to my room I grabbed my suitcase and started packing as many clothes as I could fit in it. I grabbed some money and a few items that I have collected over the years. I don't have that much stuff, most of the money I made or my mom made was spent on alcohol. 

I started my way down the stairs looking around the house. I could not believe that this is the last time that I will ever be in this house. It felt good I always had plans of leaving as soon as I had enough money. This was not the what I expected living with my dad and all. I met up with the officer again and we made our way out the door for the last time. He opened the door for me and he grabbed my suitcase and put it in the back. I got in the car. This was going to be a long drive.

I began to wonder if my dad even knew about me, if he did why didn't he ever want to be involved with my life.

"Does he know I exist?"

the cop looks at his watch

"as of 2 hours ago, he does. I had the office call him to let him know"

"What is he like?"

"your dad is a great man. he was a rule breaker. he almost got himself kicked out of the navy and top gun."

"what's top gun?"

"the top 1% of pilots get excepted to attend top gun to become better."

"was my dad that good?"

"yes he would have been the best and put on a plaque and everything but he kind of took a break from flying" 


"he lost his best friend goose, goose was his RIO. Maverick flew into jet wash he lost balance and lost his engines and when goose pulled the ejection handles and hit the canopy and didn't make it. your hard-headed father blamed himself for it.

"wow. what does he do now"

"he's an instructor at top gun.."

Cry-baby~Bradley"Rooster"BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now