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"listen here you little cry-baby you will do what I say or else"

"or else what"

I felt a hand hit my face. Before my mother had time to say anything else I was running out the door. I didn't know where I was going but I had to get out of there. It not like this is the first time something like this has happened, it actually occurred quite often. My mother would get drunk and hit me, it was all my father's fault.

I decided that I was going to take a walk to clear my head. I knew my mother didn't mean it. The same thing would happen that always happens: she gets drunk, she hits me, and we make up in the morning.

I walked for maybe an hour. I decided that I might be able to get back home and sneak to my room without my mother noticing me. I was lost in my thought when I saw that I had made it home. I do that often I get lost in my thoughts.

I took a deep breath before pushing the door open. I started to walk toward the stairs toward my room when I looked over and saw my mom on her stomach on the floor. I felt a pang of nervousness as I ran over to my mom.


I shook her: no response.

"Mom" I screamed over and over again.

This can't be happening.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called 9-1-1.


I had my mom pulled against my chest when the cops ran through the door and ran right over to us. They checked her pulse and looked up at me with a sad look. Two other people took her and loaded her up into an ambulance, shut the door, and drove off.

The cop that was still there started to ask me questions about my mother. I was too deep in thought when he was talking and answered the question like I was on auto-drive, till one question I have been asking my whole life came up "who's your father?"

Cry-baby~Bradley"Rooster"BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now