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Andrew was in his room recovering from yesterday. Then he got a call.

Andrew: *Sniff* Hey.

Moxxie: Hey Andrew, are you ok?

Andrew: Yeah i'm fine what do you want.

Moxxie: I'm going to be honest where going down to wrath for the harvest moon festival and we're visiting millie's parents and I would like someone who likes me to be there.

Andrew: Uh yeah I'll tag along.

Moxxie: Are you sure you're alright.

Andrew: Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you down there.

Andrew hangs up and grabs his mask and flies down to wrath. He drives to Millies place at the same time as the Imp crew.

Millie: Mama, Pa!

Midnight Guard: So those are the in-laws.

Moxxie: Yup.

Midnight Guard: Alright I'll go check them out.

Moxxie: Goodluck.

Midnight Guard: Hello peasantry of the wrath ring I am the Midnight Guard second in line to the throne of hell and head of the royal guard.

Moxxie: Not a good way to introduce yourself here!

Joe: And what are you doing here

Midnight Guard: Family troubles.

Lin: I see, well your in luck the festival is the perfect time to get out any pent up emotions.

Midnight Guard: Really?

Millie: Ma, pa, you remember my husband Moxxie.

Moxxie: Hey, Joe, Lin. Uh, I hope those flaming twisters haven't been causing to much trouble.

Joe: Lost one of our ranch hands to one of those twisters last week.

Moxxie: Oh i'm so sorry sir.

Blitzo: Hey,  I'm the only sir here Mox

Millie: and this is my boss blitzo and his hellhound.

Loona: I'm not just his hellhound.

Blitzo: Yeah she's my daughter.

Loona: Adoptive, you don't deserve to know my name.

Joe: Blitzo, thats a strong name

Lin: Yeah reminds me of war.

Moxxie: Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative...

Millie makes a "cut it out" motion with her hands. Joe crosses his arms.

Moxxie: I mean... War fun!

The guard sensing tension decides to save the conversation.

Midnight Guard: Hey pigs.

Joe: Yeah we raise them.

Midnight Guard: Must take a lot work just you and your family.

Joe: No, we have a new ranch him y'all should meet him. STRIKER!

Striker rides in on a flaming horse and stops right before running over the Midnight Guard.

Striker: Howdy.

Midnight Guard: Howdy?

Striker: Well, you must be Mildred.

The Midnight GuardWhere stories live. Discover now