Chapter 24

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Tommy POV
~ Time skip to Tommy and Ranboo at home ~

We got home and Ranboo dragged me to his bedroom and pinned me down to his bed, his hands were on my wrists and he asked me "Do I have consent babe?"

I nodded, but he wasn't satisfied, he went down to me and said "Use words, my love."

"Y-yes." I said and that was all he needed

He noticed that I also really wanted it and looked at me serious "Beg for it."

"Please Boo- wait no- I AM NOT A BOTTOM!" I yelled

"We will see about that." he said with a smirk

~ Time skip ~

Ranboo POV

Let me get one thing straight. He IS a bottom.

Tommy POV


Anyways, I and Ranboo had sex and then showered and had sex in the shower... and then...

I really, really liked it though.

But I am straight- I like girls!

Or am I just lying to myself?


I laid down and groaned.

Ranboo entered the room and got on top of me "Round... erm... I lost count....?"

"I want to be able to walk Ranboo..." I said

"Fair enough." he said and laid down next to me

I cuddled into his chest and we fell asleep.

~ Time skip ~

My eyes shot open, Ranboo wasn't beside me, where the fuck is he if he is not cuddling with me?

"Baaaabe-" I cooed

Ranboo POV

I was practicing for MCC, but didn't want to wake up Tommy, so I quietly snuck out of the room.

I was live with 130 thousand viewers and Tommy woke up.

"Baaaabe~" Tommy sleepily yelled trough the room

I was with face cam on and Tommy, came into the living room searching for me.

He showed up on camera, but I quickly remembered the button I have to stop a stream and not send out the last 30 seconds to Twitch.

I quickly pressed the button and the stream stopped.

I checked Twitter and everyone was asking 'What happened to Ranboo's stream?' and thank god not 'Why did Tommy call Ranboo babe?!'

I quickly said on Twitter that it was an emergency and looked at Tommy.

"I didn't know you were streaming, sorry." he said giving me puppy eyes

I sighed and took him in my lap.

Oliver POV

I was crawling slowly.

'Don't let them catch you... you will disappoint us.' The earpiece in my head said

I honestly think I should surrender.

I was walking thinking but I stepped on a branch which made a loud sound.

Wilbur POV

"HE IS THERE!" Techno yelled as he started running towards Oliver.

Oliver immediately noticed us and ran as fast as he could, he tripped multiple times which gave us an advantage.

Oliver was throwing everything he could our way, but Techno and I were quick to dodge the items.

Eventually Oliver hit a dead end...

"There is nowhere to go now, I suggest you give up." Techno said

Hope you enjoyed!

Where do we start?... (A Tomboo story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt