Meeting the boys (:

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We were kissing for about 2 mins, and we finally ended the kiss, was when Harry pulled me into a hug.

'Love you liv! I know we only met but lets pretend its love!' He smirked

'Well that clever isn't it!? Using a Live While Were Young line? And I love you to!'

When we got back to harry's, it was HUGE! We walked in and saw the other 4 boys that i have wanted to meet for my whole life!

'Hi guys! I said awkwardly, i had only just met Harry, and now I'm in his house?!

'Hi!' Louis smiled, and so did Zayn and Liam.

'Hey whats your name then?' Niall asked in his cute Irish accent.

'Oh yeah course!' I said blushing 'I'm Olivia, but please call me Liv, coz I hate my real name!' I said, then I felt Harry's strong arm snake around my waist.

'Oh hi then Liv!' Liam said 'I'm Liam, and this is Niall, Louis and Zayn!' Liam said smiling, wow hes so cute when he smiled!

'Harry please can I talk to you for a moment?' I asked

'Yeeaah sure babe!' He said and winked at Louis.

'Whats up? He said after I pulled him out of the room.

'Listen, please can I call my friend Afrida over? Its been our dream for like EVER to meet you guys, and I KNOW she would love to, an-'

'LIV CALM DOWN! Its fine!' Harry said laughing one of his cute little laughs.

'Thank you..!' I whispered and leant over and kissed him on the lips <3

My heart belongs to Harry Styles.., &lt;3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ