Chapter 21 - The Fungus Amongus

Start from the beginning

"That was them ringing the dinner bell." Sara finishes. "There's more coming."

"We are so screwed." Nate whispers


"The Zagurons know the Fountain's dead, and they're coming." Sara says as her, Nate, Ava, and Brooklyn (with Maddie still on her back in the makeshift carrier) walk into the waverider

"The Fountain isn't dead." Astra says, rushing over to them. "It's dying. Those things are here to finish it off and take over what's left. Spooner translated the Zag' thoughts. The power is still inside her, but it is fading fast."

"Well, that means there's still hope." Gary says. "You know, we just have to save the Fountain/Spooner before the armada of carrion lizards overwhelms our planet and kills everyone in sight. Easy-peasy."

"All right, guys, let's brainstorm." Nate says. "Let's figure out a way to heal this Fountain." He says, him, Gary, and Astra leaving the room

"We're gonna figure it out, babe." Ava says but Sara is staring off. "What is it?"

"I think this is Bishop's plan, for me to watch you and everyone I love die, for me and him to be the only two left." Sara whispers

"Well, it won't happen. We won't let it." Ava promises

Sara turns her attention to Brooklyn. "You and Maddie okay?" She asks

"Where is Maddie?" Ava asks

"Doing what she's supposed to. Staying hidden." Brooklyn says before turning around and Sara helps Maddie out of the makeshift carrier. Sara puts Maddie on the ground and Brooklyn gives Sara a small smile in thanks. "I think we're going to go get cleaned up and take a rest, yeah Maddie?" Brooklyn says before repeating the exact same sentence in Russian. Brooklyn takes Maddie's hand. "Keep me updated." She says before leaving with her daughter


"I'm back!" A voice exclaims on the screens and Brooklyn looks to the screen in the hallway right outside of her room and sees Bishop on the video. She quickly and quietly leaves the room (Maddie still asleep on the bed) and runs into Sara and Ava who are watching the screen as well. "Hello, Legends. Did you miss me? By the time you see this recording, I expect John will be dead. The Fountain will also be dead, and my Zaguron friends should be on their way to destroy you. I hope I've got that right. Otherwise possible egg on my face, ooh. And because I can literally think Sara's thoughts, about now is the time that Sara Lance has figured out my plan for us to live together forever after everyone else has died as the new Adam and Eve. Sara, your mind must be racing, realizing that the only one who can save the Fountain is me. And, spoiler alert, I'm not gonna." He says before turning off the video message

Nate had called a group meeting in the library shortly after that and the group arrives. Brooklyn walks in with the baby monitor from her room, keeping an ear on Maddie

"All right, so his message gave me an idea." Nate begins the meeting. "He said he's the only one who can save the Fountain. So maybe he should."

"Yeah, he's not gonna do that." Astra says

"Not that guy, but a younger version of him." Nate says

"Time-napping." Gary exclaims. "I love it."

"Gang, he wasn't always a supervillain, but he's always been super smart." Nate says. "We got the stuff he poisoned John with. Maybe, just maybe, the younger version of him can reverse-schmience it and get us an antidote."

"It goes against every instinct you have, which means Bishop would never expect it." Ava tells Sara

"If we only ever do what makes sense to you, he will always be one step ahead." Astra tells Sara. "There's only one way to wage a war against yourself."

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