Chapter 2: Meat: the Legends

Start from the beginning


"I still don't understand. How did you end up here?" Sara asks as Amelia Earhart makes food for the trio

"Well, Earhart's interest in flying began with a visit to the Canadian National Exhibition." Gary explains. "Sorry, it's a fun fact."

"Wish I had an answer for you." Amelia Earhart says. "Last thing I remember, I was soaring over the Pacific. Me and my navigator Fred almost done our flight around the globe. It was mission accomplished. Then the left engine started sputtering, the Canary bucked, and I hit my head hard and blacked out. When I woke up, Fred was gone, and I was here."

"And where is here?" Sara asks

"I thought it was heaven or something, but to tell you the truth, I still don't know where we are exactly." Amelia Earhart says. "On the bright side, the food's good."

"Hey, listen, I'm trying to repair my aircraft. Maybe you can take a look at it. It needs a fuel source."

"An aircraft?" Amelia Earhart questions. "But that means that you can take me home."

"Oh, well, yeah. I mean, I guess. Why not? Let's do it. Let's go." Sara says, turning to leave

"First let me serve you." Amelia Earhart says, grabbing Sara's arm and stopping her. "Why let this meal go to waste? It's been so long since I've had any guests."

Sara looks back at Brooklyn, the two having a silent conversation through their eyes. "Uh, yeah. Sure, okay." Sara says

"Hot dog!" Amelia Earhart exclaims, placing bowls down in front of the trio. "I've been frightfully lonesome since I've been here. You two are lucky to have each other."


= Waverider, Earth =

"Double fisting... I like your style." Spooner says, walking into the parlor where Ava has two glasses of alcohol poured

"Oh, I... Poured it for Sara." Ava says with a small sad laugh. "It's just habit. Hey, shouldn't let it go to waste." She says, offering the drink to Spooner

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you find your lady." Spooner says

"Oh, no, Ava Sharpe does not give up that easily." Ava says. "Listen, I owe you an apology. I was so desperate for this alien to be the answer to all my prayers that I didn't even think about how you'd be feeling about any of it."

"Nah, I get it." Spooner says. "You know, Sara's a lucky woman."

"Thanks." Ava whispers. "You know... I know what it's like to have people mess with you, and it doesn't make you crazy. Just makes you vigilant. So what happened to you when you were a kid?"

"Look, I don't really talk about..." Spooner whispers. But then she looks at Ava and decides otherwise. "My mom. I don't know where they took us or what they did to us, but when I woke up, she was gone."

"Maybe she's..." Ava tries

"I had to stop thinking that way." Spooner says, tears in her voice. "No, hoping like that for that long, I mean, that can drive you crazy. Instead I... I gave up everything preparing for the moment I'd get to blow one of those things away, you know, but now that I've done it... I thought I'd feel something more. Now instead I just got nothing left."

"I mean, you've got us." Ava says

"You mean..." Spooner says

"If you'll stay." Ava says

"You want me to stay?" Spooner asks. "I almost killed a furry in the freezer."

Ava lets out a small laugh. "We need to adjust some of your tactics a little, but..." She says

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