wierd things

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      You walk into your house to find Steve sleepingnon your couch "GET YOU ASS UP HARRINGTON" you yell looking down at him "uh what the fuck y/n" he says as you see Dustin walk out of his bedroom "what the hell" Dustin says in his tired voice you walk past him ruffling his hair "hey what was that for" he said as tou walk into your bedroom to see Robin. And nancy cuddled up on your bed "GET THE FUCK UP LOVE BIRDS" you say so the hole house can hear Steve jumps up "what" he said as he walks into your room

    *time skip to breakfast*

    "Hey y/n you gonna eat breakfast" Dustin says "no I ate a gareths" you say "oh your new boyfriend"steve says sarcasticly "um no and have you guys seen the news someone was killed in the trailer park where max lives they won't say who though" you say as you hear a knock on the door it was max "hey can I come in it's about eddie" max says she explains that chrissy was found dead in eddies trailer and that eddie was not there "hey Robin doesn't family video have lots of phones" Dustin said looking like he had an idea "yeah why " she said "we can call around ti see if anyone has seen eddie cause we need to know what happened to chrissy" Dustin said "good idea" you say we all ride bikes to family video

    "Y/n your calling the hellfire members, max you call other friends and I will call anyone" Dustin says as we walk in you call mark but know one answers then you call Jeff "uh hello" he says "uh hi jeff" you say "oh hey y/n you need something" he said "yeah actually we do has you seen eddie today" you say "uh no why" he said "no reason but thanks jeff" you say "oh your welcome y/n bye" he says as he hangs up then you call gareth "hello" a voice says on the other end " oh hey gareth" you say "oh hey y/n you need something" he says "umm have you seen eddie lately like in the past hour"you say "um no why what's going on what did he do now where are you" he says in a concerned tone "nothing just where looking for eddie we need to find him" you say "where are you" he says "family video why" you say in a concerned tone "I'm coming and have you tried refer Rick he's Eddie's dealer" he says "ok bye" you say "bye " he says as he hangs up the phone "guys I have a lead" you sort of yell "who" Dustin says "a guy named refer Rick he's Eddie's dealer " you say "does this refer Rick have a last name" Steve says " I don't know" you say Then you see gareth walk through the door "what is he doing here" max says wile gareht walks behind the conter and pulls you into a hug but you pull away "no time for hugs we need to fine eddie" you say walking over to Robin "you think he has an account here" you say "he might just so " Robin says pushing Dustin off of the stool

  *time skip to when we re you found who he was and where he lives*

You guys walk out of the store gareth garbs you hand "you wanna come with me" he says "sure" you say looking up at him "oh no no no your not going with some random boy henderson" Steve says death staring you "oh yeah yeah yeah I am Harrington" you say back with gareths arm around your waist "oh no your not " Steve says as you and gareth are walking to gareths car "to late" you say as you and gareth get in his car "hey you ok" gareth asks you because your face is really pale "I'm fine" you say with a smile as you two drive off..

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