the sleepover

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   You walk up to your room and jump up on your bed and you remembered that gareth said to be there at 5 and I was 4:30 so you had 30 minutes you sat on your bed for about 15 minutes then you noticed it was 4:45 so you got ready by brushing your hair then you hear a nock on the door and you hear"y/n it's for you" Dustin yelled you run down the stairs "the one and only gareth emerson" you say you both laugh and then he says "I'm here to pick you up princess" "oh so I'm princess now" you say "yes now let's go" you both ride bikes to his house "this would be a great time to study for the writing thing we have to do" he says as was get to his house "yeah maybe" he opens his garage you see his drum set out and he sits down at them "um you can sit there" he says pointing to a chair "thanks" Jeff gets there "hey gareth oh and hey y/n" and then mark gets there you all wait for eddie

    Finally after 15 minutes of waiting eddie finally gets there "hey guys" he says then he looked at me " what is she doing here gareth" he said "donyou not remember lunch I said that she could come watch us and that she can spend the night because she needs somewhere to stay tonight" gareth says "ugh whatever so she is ruining are sleepover night" eddie said "no not really I think it would be kinda more fun with a girl there" gareth says "fine whatever let's just start"

     *time skip to 1 and a half hours later*

     They all pack up gareth opens the door and Eddie goes in "y/n you can come in" gareth says "ok" you say you see a woman in the kitchen "hey mrs.emerson" eddie said to the woman "why hello eddie " then she looks at you "and who might you be" she says " this is my friend y/n" gareth said then looked at you and smiles "eddie will get the guest room" gareth said "which leaves you with the living room or my room and I could use the living room" he says his mom interrupts the conversation "is that the girl you where telling me about earlier that you said-" she get cut off by gareth "N-NO MOM" he yelled grabbing me and Eddie's  hands pulling us up stairs into his room and he quickly  shut the door "sorry bout that she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut" gareth said nervously smiling at me and Eddie "WAIT DO YOU HAVE A THING FO-" he gets cut off by gareth "NO" they where yelling "what the hell is going on" I said gareth smile at you "I honestly think that your little friend here maybe has a thing for you" Eddie said "no not ture" gareth said I just gave them a weird look "whatever" you said looking around "I see your still wearing my ring huh" gareth said "oh uh yeah I guess I am" you say looking at him as you end up fidgeting with the ring the he grabs you hand and pulls you over to his bed where he tells you to sit and you sit eddie sits on the floor and gareth does to

      "You guys up for some truth or dare" eddie says "I down" you say "uh I'm good" gareth says with him bushing he goes over to a mini fridge and gets two dr.peppers "do you want one y/n" he asks you "uh sure" you say smiling he hand you a dr.pepper "so what are the sleeping plans" gareth says "I'm taking the guest bedroom" eddie says "I know dipshit" gareth said as he looked at me "uh I can take the living room" you say "that would be perfect we all  have a place to sleep so what do you guys want to do beside truth or dare" gareth said looking at eddie "don't look at me she is your guest" eddie said "you and her are my guests" gareth says looking at me

  *time skip to 12am*

     "Guys I'm getting tired good night everyone" garethsaid handing me a pillow and two blankets eddie walks off to the guest room as go out to the living room gareth stops you and "good night y/n I had fun see you in the morning" he said wile pulling you into a hug you go to the living room and you try to fall asleep but...

A/n yes another cliffhanger the next part will be out sometime soon tho


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