the night to remember

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    You try to go to sleep but you can't sleep it's to cold and it's 3am and there probably not awake, you walk into gareths room to see him sleeping you kinda wake him up alittle "uh gareth you awake" you say he slowly shifts his position to see you standing in the door way "hey what are you doing" he said in a tired voice "I was seeing if you where up cause I can't sleep and it really cold" you say "come here" he says still with the tired voice you walk over to him then he pulls you into the bed with him "here you will be warm now darling" he says as he covers you up with blankets and holding you in his arms around 15 minutes later he ends up falling asleep you kinda just sit there for 30 minutes and then you end up falling asleep you feel safe in his arms wile his head is is up against your back

    * time skip to morning *
      You where waken up by eddie walking in and gareth was awake already but he was letting you sleep "what the hell" eddie says when he walks in gareths room "shh she is sleeping" gareth says you slowly shifts your postin to where your laying on your back you open your eyes to see gareth looking at you with his arms still around you he sees that your awake and he let's go of you "sleep well" gareth said you look up at him " surprisingly yeah I did" you say "alright love birds time to get up"eddie said wile walking into the room "shut up eddie" gareth says as he was blushing you sat up you where kinda blushing to gareth gets up and walks around his room then he grabs you hand and pulls you up off the bed "come on princess time to get up let all go get some breakfast" gareth said wile pulling you off the bed you all walk out of his room with gareht still holding your hand he sees his mom and he let's go of you hand

   "Good morning kids" his mom says "morning mom" gareth says "morning mrs.emerson" eddie says you all sit down in the living room then this little girl runs up to you, gareth and Eddie "hey Haylie" gareth said to the little girl then he looks at you "I believe you haven't met my sister yet this is Haylie my sister" he says to you, you smile at the little girl "your really pretty" she looks at you wile she said that "ok Haylie" gareth says as she sits in between you and gareth she starts playing with your hair "hi I'm Haylie what's your name" she asks you "hi Haylie I'm y/n" you say "is this the girl you where talking about earlier gareth" she said as she looked at gareth "no, no Haylie " he said wile he was blushing "breakfast is done" gareths mom says "finally" gareth says you all take a seat gareth sits next to you and Haylie sat in the other seat next to you his mom made pancakes and waffles and some bacon

    *time skip to when breakfast is over*

  You all go back to the living room and you sit on the couch and ofcorse  gareth sits next to you "hey im probably going to go home but see you monday" you say "ok bye princess" gareth says opening the door for you " bye y/n" eddie said as you walk out the door, right when you where about to walk out the door "I had lots of fun with you we should do this again sometime" gareht said wile pulling you into a hug "bye gareth and Eddie" you say "bye y/n" Haylie said wile running g up to you and hugging you you say your good byes and leave to go home  and when you get there

A/n yes another cliffhanger I'm trying to build suspense so hope you enjoy

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