Chapter 6 - Boys are like disgusting little bugs

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The two sisters walked around downtown Savannah for hours, trying on (and buying) ridiculous amounts of clothes, eating way too expensive pastries, and were on their way to ransack the next store when Juliette had a brilliant idea (crazy I know).

"Elinor," Juliette stopped to grab onto her sister's arm just outside the store.

"Juliette." Elinor said, returning Juliette's serious tone in a sarcastic manner.

"We should get outfits for each other, like, pick each other's clothes out and we have to wear whatever the other picked out for the rest of the day."

"We should get outfits for each other, like, pick each other's clothes out and we have to wear whatever the other picked out for the rest of the day."

Elinor paused for a moment and started to...

"Come on Elinor, it'll be fun." Juliette pouted.

"You're only supposed to use that face on dad." But Elinor couldn't take it, maybe it would be fun dressing Jules up like a little doll. "Fine, I concede, but I have the power to veto anything you choose for me that I deem too hideous to wear."

"Yes!" Juliette grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her inside the store behind her, letting go only to rush into the women's section.

"Jules!" Elinor called after her, 1000% sure that Juliettes 12 year old brain certainly didn't register her amendment to the game. "Children..." She muttered, heading off towards the kids section of whatever overpriced store Juliette had pulled her into.

Juliette browsed the women's section determined to find an outfit Elinor would love, or at least maybe one she wouldn't hate. She ran her hands over all the kinds of clothes she couldn't wait to wear when she grew up, imagining how she would dress up like Elinor and be popular like Ben was becoming. Pinks, yellows, purples, and blues suddenly gave way to lots of gray and light blue and generally less fun clothing when Juliette realized she'd entered the men's section. She turned around to leave, when she was suddenly confronted by two way too tall boys with borning trust fund baby clothes and creepy smiles (smirks?).

"Sweet heart, you look a little too young to be wandering around such a big store by yourself, are you mom or dad nearby, maybe we could help you find them?"

"No, but my-"Juliette started.

"Nah Travis," The other boy interrupted. "She looks way too grown up to need her mommy or daddy to go places."

"Maybe you're right Jake, and since you said your parents weren't here, how'd you feel about walking around with us, maybe go and get a bite to eat, our treat."

Juliette could start to feel the walls closing in on her, or maybe the boys were getting closer? "No, I'd rather just stay here, my..."

"All by yourself?" One boy emphasized.

"We'd even take you back home if you wanted." The other added.

"No, my sister's here with me, she'd wonder where I went." Juliette finally managed to get out.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you just went out with some friends for a little bit."

"Just come with us now, and you can text her where you are once we get there."

"No, I wouldn't wanna-" Juliette tried.

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