Chapter 5: This is Only the Beginning

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Waking up next to Elinor was…strange for Juliet to say the least. Not strange in a bad way per se, it was honestly incredibly comforting to wake up being hugged, but it was strange to see Elinor actually asleep. It brought back memories of when Juliet was really tiny and their parents would make Elinor and Juliette share a bed when they went on vacation, memories of swimming in overly chlorinated pools and Disney world, Juliette walking hand in hand with Oliver and Elinor after their parents let them go off my themselves in Epcot (which Juliette now realizes was probably so their parents could go drink without their kids around). It was nice, and for a moment Juliette almost let herself hope that this wouldn’t be the only time she got to have a sleepover with her big sister. 

When Elinor woke up, Juliette was just laying there, she could feel her heartbeat and hear it, and it certainly wasn’t resting. She was sure Juliette was able to sense her waking up too, but selfishly, Elinor just wanted to lay there for a moment and bask in the calm of the morning. She knew she didn’t necessarily need sleep, but that didn’t mean that waking up after letting your body rest didn’t feel good, and laying there with her sweet little sister, it was different from when she and Oliver would share a bed. No, this was like she was holding something tiny and precious in her arms, something that put all of its faith in her and saw only her good parts, something she needed to protect and would protect, for as long as she could. It was oddly calming for such a stressful endeavor. 

Eventually though, they did have to get up. Both sisters seemed perfectly okay without acknowledging how long they had decided to hold each other while awake. 

“Sweet little, it’s time to wake up.” Elinor shook Juliette gently.

“Yep, up, totally getting up.” Juliette groaned, not even attempting to move. 

“Come on Jules, you have to get up eventually.”

Juliette turned over to face her sister. “Why?” 

“Well for one, sleeping this long isn’t normal even for humans, and two, our parents didn’t see either of our faces for a single solitary second yesterday, and I doubt mother would be pleased with another day in which she can’t enforce her will upon the both of us.” 

“You…may have a point.” Juliette admitted. 

They both slowly got out of bed and Juliette went to her own room to get ready for the day. Elinor quickly showered and dressed before walking into the living room to be greeted by the two smiling (creepily smiling) faces of her parents. 

“Elinor, did you take your sisters to spend the night at the Wheeler's house last night?” Margot questioned in a way that made Elinor feel as if a lecture was coming.

“No.” She answered shortly while turning around to pour herself a cup of coffee. 

“Well she wasn’t here yesterday, nor was she in her room last night, so where pray tell might your sister be if not with her little boyfriend?”

“I’ll have you know, Mother, Juliette spent the day with me yesterday. We went hiking and she ended up falling asleep in my room.” 

“Oh, well…that’s lovely dear.” Margot stuttered out, surprised. 

“I’m sure you two had a lovely time together, and I’m very proud of you for taking time out of your break to spend with your baby sister.” 

“Thanks Dad.” 

Elinor had moved to lean against the kitchen counter as Juliette walked in. 

“Good morning dear.” 

“Good morning sweet heart” 

Margot and Sebastian called to their youngest daughter at the same time. 

“Morning.” Juliette called back. 

She slowly moved around the kitchen grabbing everything she needed for a bowl of cereal, except when she opened the pantry to find the actual cereal, it was missing from its usual spot. 

“Hey mom, where is my cereal?” Juliette called behind her. 

“Oh sweetheart I’m sorry, I completely forgot to tell you they were out when I went to the grocers this week.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” 

Juliette moved to put her things back and resolved on just eating a big lunch when Elinor deposited her own box of cereal in front of Juliette, her cereal which she never let anyone touch, not even their parents. 

“Here sweet little, you can just use mine.” 

“Oh…thanks Elinor.” Juliette muttered, surprised. 

Their parents both shared looks of vague pride and disbelief as Elinor walked out of the kitchen with her cup of coffee and onto the back patio. 

Juliette stood frozen, maybe this isn’t just a temporary thing, maybe Elinor and her were actually getting closer. For the first time since she was six years old, Juliette let herself believe that she was going to have one of those kinds of sisterly relationships she saw in the movies, and not just for a moment, but permanently.  Juliette let that thought carry her all the way out to the back patio where she sat next to her big sister, and when Elinor smiled at her and pulled her sunglasses down, Juliette whole heartedly did the same.

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