Chapter 2: BOOM

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Authors words: Juliette explodes like that bird from Shrek


The drive up to the hiking spot itself wasn’t terrible, just a 24 minute (yes, Juliette did count) drive full of Elinor's music, uncomfortable pauses, and a lot of Juliette squirming whenever Elinor would look over and smile at her. 
It wasn’t like Juliette didn’t like her sister or anything, in fact she sort of thought that Elinor was the coolest person in the world, it was just that she had never paid this much attention to Juliette before. Their previous record for amount of time spent together was two years prior when Elinor was elected homecoming queen and the school brought the entire court's families out onto the football field for the announcement. Oliver had been “sick”, and Juliette was still small enough to wear a dress that semi-matched Elinors and have it be cute. They went shopping the day before and walked onto the football field hand in hand with their parents a few steps behind, after Elinor was crowned they all shared a very brief hug. 
Juliette had a feeling that record was going to be smashed today, whether she had a say in it or not. 
They pulled into a small, mostly empty parking lot, right next to a sign that read “Blue Sky Preserve”. After parking, Elinor (way too chipperly, seriously, since when was Elinor chipper) hopped out of the driver's seat and opened the back door to grab both bags as Juliette slowly unbuckled her seatbelt and sent out a last text to Ben, before they were too far into the park for her to any service. 
Hiking with Elinor???? Like, just us???? If I don’t come home, just know I love you, or maybe tell my parents where we are, either one is good. 
The text read delivered just as Elinor motioned for Juliette to get out of the car and follow her. 
As she reached her sister Elinor slipped Juliettes backpack onto her back (giving I’m taking care of a five year old energy), then pulled her own bag onto her own back. 
“So sweet little, we’re gonna hike Trail Leg 2. It shouldn’t be too difficult, but tell me if you need a break before we get to the first stop.”
Juliette silently nodded yes, and off they went. 
The hike itself wasn’t terrible, but with Elinor being 5’7 and actually good at this, and Juliette not even reaching 5’ combined with the fact that she had tripped over every stick and root they had seen in the past 20 minutes, disaster was bound to strike (again). Juliette shrieked as she caught her ankle on a particularly thick tree root and she hit the ground behind Elinor. 
“You okay back there sweet little?” Elinor called not even bothering to turn around. 
Juliette let out a small whimper in response.
By the time Elinor did turn around, tears were rolling down Juliette's face profusely as she cradled her injured ankle. 
“Oh sweet little, what did you do?” Elinor squatted down to inspect Juliette’s ankle, poking and proding. “Well, it looks like you managed to sprain it. If you want I’m sure I’d have no problem carrying you either back to the car, or to the end of the trail, since you’ll most likely be healed within the hour. Whatever you want.” 
“Can you just stop?” Juliette chocked out.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“ Stop with all the fake caring crap, and the new nickname, and the wake up call, and the matching outfits, and the pretending like we’re close when we’re not. Because in three days you’re just going to go back to acting like I’m some stupid little kid that you share a hallway and some DNA with, and I'm just so tired of getting my hopes up that you care about me, just to have you ice me out again.” 
And for the first time in Juliette’s life, Elinor was speechless. 

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