"Sorry man but I have Exams coming hot in my ass and I have to stay on FOCUS! Like really see this blue Bandana?" She showed him her Bandana and mk Slumped down at the information he just heard. Like man he was really hoping that Donghai would tag along with him but she has exams coming and she has to study real hard. Seeing his Depressing face Donghai Panicked and Raised her arms

"but- well Hey! I'll just go And ask pigsy if I can deliver-"



Grabbing her Spare Blue Jacket He then posed dramatically "I can't Disturb you any further my Great Great Delivery Buddy! I must Do this task myself! FOCUS and that must be done!" He declared and left in speed with Donghai standing still.

'And off he goes stealing my Jacket because he forgot to Wash his....'

She Sweatdropped and Tripitaka Popped out Under her bed. Grabbing her Wooden staff Donghai sighs and sits down back on her study Table "your friendship with him is strong. You even trusted him with your Jackets" he smiled and Donghai Chuckled at Him. Well Mk is A Dork and that's what makes him so charming.

Also the three of them has a Strong Trust with each other so Sharing Jackets and stuff they have seems natural. Like siblings per say. "Man Mk is Still Mk. I'm kinda worried for him" She mumbled and Tripitaka Hummed at it.

"How about this? I'll go and watch over him while you're here Focusing?"

"Wait What? That's crazy I can't just leave you."

"Oh trust me! I can go back here safely!"

The monk Grinned and Left with Donghai's Staff. Sitting there with all of the tempting stuff Donghai sighs and ignored the cool Videogames and Desserts and Continued on her studies.


'This must be my third time going out on my own again.'

'But I'll be fine!'

Third time must be since, first The one he got lost around the city and found Donghai two Where he Ran off to call some help since Donghai, pigsy and Tang got Kidnapped by Spider Queen and this.

"Okay! I can't just keep on asking Donghai to Tag along with me!"

"She's also a busy person! I can do this! I must keep on Focus!"

Mk Nods and Tripitaka Beamed seeing the young Boy So Worked up and determined while Driving. Tripitaka on the other hand is Sitting behind him while hiding the wooden staff behind the Baskets and bags. "Awww Wukongs Succesor is Also Doing it!" He Grinned And Watched as Mk kept on ignoring the same cool stuff Tripitaka showed to Donghai.

He's Familiar with the training since Well. He also Trained Wukong about Focus! It's still fresh in his Old brain To be honest and the Roads they're passing is also Nostalgic to see.


"Don't worry Master! Demons are always after you so Stay here!"

"No! What I meant is- and Of he goes"

Taking a deep breath Bai long ma Nudged him and Tripitaka only smiled at the Dragon horse "Im okay Long Ma I'm okay" Chuckling at his friends expression Wujing and Baije Asked where the Hell is their older brother again.

"Wukong heard some suspicious Sound and he ran off to look for it"

"Was it? That's strange"

The Golden Cicada [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now