Chapter 3

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'Succesor?! What does he mean by that?!'

This Ghostly Monk is really confusing her, and More of that He is also taking this so Good like this Thing is normal in everyday life. "What the Hel—"

"It's simple to be honest, my power will be yours and—"

"No! No— hold up. What do you mean it's simple?! For you it is but for me it's not!"

"I'm a Simple Delivery Girl in Pigsy's Noodles shop AND I deliver noodles! Period! Not a Mystic Cicada Girl got that?"

She Huffed, turning away she Walked out and Tripitaka Panicked. He Grabbed the wooden staff and Immediately Ran after her. "I— well It looks like I have forgotten about the Panic Problems but Hey! You don't need to worry I'll be training you!" He smiled and Donghai Grumbled at him. He's still following her like a floating ghost and his Smile really pisses her off.

He's the legit Monk in the Legends alright. And Donghai can't believe it that She was able to see him right infront of her face. But Being his Succesor? Oh hell naw. She'll have to pass. She won't be risking her Life getting Chased by Demons or Kidnapped by them. And also Getting eaten for the sake of immortality and power.

"Just go and find Someone who knows how to Do Kung fu. I dunno Mk? He knows Kung fu even Mei Knows how to use Swords"

She mumbled and crossed her arms. The cold wind Passing through making her Shiver. "Yes Those two kids are Strong you're right. But They are not The ones I'm Looking for. The path of those two has already been set and I cannot interfere anymore." Tripitaka Exclaimed. Raising a brow Donghai Glared at him and Pass through him like a Smoke. "Yeah sure." She Shortly replied. Causing the monk to feel bad.

Is it too much? She's just a teenage girl and Her love for old literatures and Legends is all she does. But She is the one. The connection and her Faith for her Friends Is strong much like him and His Disciples.

"I think Mister Tang will be suitable for being a succesor, he's smart and Reliable too."

"So yeah Just go or I'll go and lead you to him."

She Waved and Tripitaka Frowned, He only Followed her silently as they entered Sandy's cozy Home. Once she entered in She then stared at his friends shaking and A Blue buff guy grabbing a tea set.

"That's a lot to take in but, Do you know what I do to people who disrupt the peace?"

Grinning Widely the big Buff blue guy Beamed a bright smile as he Served them a cup designed with Cats "serve them tea!—you guys want some? Hm? You?" He Smiled and Happily Put down the cups on the table. "How bout you little guy? Want some tea?" Sandy Smiled and Donghai grabbed the Cup. "Wow Thanks Really need this right now. I'm stressed" She Huffed and Plopped down beside Mk and Drinked her cup.

"Ooh~! Much Appreciated Sandy! A certain Noodle shop owner could leaaaarn alot from your hospitality!~"

Tang Grinned and Wiggled his Eyebrows, Pigsy Glared at him "hooh you're right piggy! This guy is Dangerous! He'll kill us with cuteness!" Mei Squeled and Happily cuddle with the cats. Sandy did own a lot of kitties and Donghai found that pleasing since she herself loves cats too. 

While watching them Bicker Donghai and Mk stared at them not until pigsy Fumed in frustration and Asked why Sandy became a soft giant. "What? So he's supposed to be a Rock hard Fighter?" Donghai Whispered and Mk leaned in "Maybe? Like look at those Muscles! He's ripped!" He Replied and the two Idiots Snickered at each other.

Sandy did explain why and it's because his therapist said he needed to calm down. So he Resorted to Drinking tea, doing yoga and Chillin with the Good ol' kitties he has and also Mo.

"Oh Mister Sandy sir! We could really use your help! We've got to go to Flower fruit mountain!"

Mei Pleaded and Donghai almost spit at her tea when the dragon Girl Did her Sparkling eyes. "Please? The fate of the world is at stake!" Mk joined in and that's the points Donghai bursted in laugh. "You Dumbasses Look like Crying Babies who just lost an Icecream!" She Cackled and The two Glared at her.



"Well Yes But Im not that ugly unlike you guys—"

Cackling at them. Mei and Mk Tackled her down. "Okay! I can bring you guys there!" Sandy Exclaimed and Mo  climbed on top of his shoulder. The three Stopped and They Stared at him Wide eye. "Wait really?" Mk gasped and Sandy Nods at them.

"Of course! I can get you there but it won't be a pleasant trip!"

Sandy Smiled and Donghai almost got blinded by it. I mean this tall buff blue guy is a soft giant! Like She didn't expect him to be this Ripped and her first thought was maybe the guy has a salty attitude But Turns out she was wrong.

"Alright let's get moving! But I'm telling you now old friend if things get Bumpy. I've changed, I  won't go around pickin fights no more"

Sandy Smiled gently, and Pigsy Only sighs at him. "Well then Let's waste no time!" Pushing a red button the Ground Shook and Donghai Glanced outside only to see Them floating in on the water.

'Boat?! It turned into a boat! Amazing!'

She Shrieked and Immediately Mk joined in as their Idiotic brains Got Excited by the sudden Change.


"But Isn't starwars has flying ships?"


Donghai Cackled and Mk couldn't resist and also joined in.


Hiding in every corner Tripitaka Looked around the Small but Cozy Home. Smilling at the Small kittens he then Sighs at the Aroma of tea. "Impressive, for a place like this it sure is Pleasing. Oh hi there little kitty!" He cooed and the cats meowed at him.

"Donghai! Look! I got a twinning scarf!"

"Where'd you get that?"

"Secret! Just look at us! Isn't it Cute? Teacher and Student having the same color of scarf!" Tang Squeled and his eyes Sparkled at Donghai wearing the red scarf. She then Glanced to his shaking Figure.

Was he really that happy just them having the same scarf? Well she wouldn't ask anymore since Tang is so happy about it. "Gah! It suits you so well!" He Teared up and The Girl Sweatdropped at him.

"Thanks teach"

"Your welcome Little Hai!"

Tang Beamed and Ruffled her brown hair. She Groaned and The two Chuckled.

Watching the two interact Tripitaka Smiled and Stared at the two. A teacher and a Student. He may or may have a hope for this, Following them outside He taps The young girls Shoulder and she almost Freaked out.

"Holy shit—would you stop Scaring me?"

"Language Donghai. And I'm sorry, am I that Too Quiet?"

"Uh yeah! And I thought you'd go and Find Someone to Be your Succesor?"

Smilling, The Monk Only Sits down and Closed his eyes. "Well who knows?" He Chuckled, making her Confused she only Sits beside him and Let the Wind Pass through them as she Stared at the Blue Sea and The Sky Full of clouds.


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