As she displayed her wings, I noted the scar beneath her right wing near the wing's joint. I smiled. This was a Googaloo I was familiar with. She looked over at me and started performing a variety of poses. I laughed. Yes, she was familiar with me too. I always came out here to watch her as it defended its little nest from marauding beasts but today, it seemed the bigger beasts she dominated were all nowhere to be seen. I didn't care though, I came here to relax, away from the problems at the village and my good friend,Googaling as I called her, never fails.

To the east I saw a massive cloud of dust rapidly moving towards us. I quickly realized it was an Elidroc that was quickly rushing across the savannah it's tail fin wagging left and right. Its six legs carried it as fast as they could, they're pale yellow scales shimmering in the harsh savannah sun. Behind it was a tall heavy set man that wielded a large and long spear in his right hand. The man suddenly planted his feet into the ground, extended his left arm whilst pulling back his right hand. His muscles bulged, his grip tightened as he hauled his right body, launching the spear at such a terrific speed that all trees and grass bent as it zoomed past. It pierced the Elidroc, through its back and out the chest with its heart at the tip of the spear. The Elidroc opened its large extended jaws and groaned in pain, its eyes with oval shaped iris moved violently in every direction, its legs flailed wildly trying to move but it was pinned down by the spear. It was in its death throes. Soon, it stopped moving and lay on the ground, its life seeping out of it.

Poor thing. Must've got separated from its pack.

Though I was impressed that it had enough stamina to run all the way from the river valley to here. I watched on. The man removed his spear, lifted it and shouted jubilantly. He proceeded to kneel and offered a prayer of thanks to Shreilia, the goddess of fertility. He then picked up the corpse and skipped along towards the village. As he got closer, he saw me in the shade of the Bresmine tree. His jovial face immediately went sour. A vein popped up on his bald black head as he clenched his fist. He gnashed his teeth dropped the corpse and stomped his way towards me. I wobbled as I stood up, walked backwards as my legs trembled.

Oh no. I knew this was coming!

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't be locked up in your damned house?!"

"I'm sorry I just wante-"

He quickly landed a powerful punch onto my face, sending my body flying and rolling in the course ground. Pain erupted all over my body. My jaw felt as if it were dislocated. I squirmed as I try to withstand the pain. My skin felt as if it were being burnt off under the harsh sun.

"Tch! Look at you! Such a thing as you dares to answer back to me?!"

He said as he picked me up by the hair.  Blood erupted out of my mouth.

"N-n-no, sorry si-"

He landed another punch right into my gut, knocking out all the air in me. It felt as if a hole had just been blasted right through my organs. I could feel my organs ripple and squeeze inside me. Unbearable pain immediately assailed my body. More blood violently erupted out of my mouth, some of it landing on the man. The man was livid!

"Even though I'm showing such benevolence... you DARE!"

He said as he readied himself to beat the living day lights out of me. Suddenly, I heard a loud GOOGALOO. Googaling was flapping her wings wildly, she was raving mad. She flew at the man at a speed that surpassed her previously displayed one. The man effortlessly caught her by her neck and squeezed it. She let out a weak googaloo as she flapped her wings and little legs wildky.

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