Chapter 7

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Red Son had begun to act uncomfortable after he got some food from that odd stand. I had to pretend not to notice when he stayed behind and practically shoved the meat down his throat.

He looked like an animal eating it. Literally. I swear he was drooling. I probably made that part up though.

I could feel his piercing eyes on me when he caught up with me, then the feeling went away after a minute. He was so tense. There was something he noticed that I haven't. I know that for a fact.

I yawn, stretching a little. We were still a ways from the fabric stand, and I was getting tired already.

"Tired, huh? I'd guess that. You've been training since I left." I looked to Red when he spoke up, confused at how he knew where I was at the time. I guess he could tell because he specified. "I came over to Pigsy's an hour before you got back but I didn't see you anywhere."

I nod, looking back forward, "Yeah. He's been tiring me out for weeks. Normally we barely do much but it's gotten tougher." I mutter, wrapping my arms around myself, my eyes fighting to stay open.

"Perhaps he thinks you are ready for the next level."

I shrug, "I guess so. I don't know if I like how fast paced it is though. It's like his whole fighting style changed too! Normally he was obnoxious and didn't try to necessarily help but now he's shadowy and agile. More agile." Monkey King was already very agile but it feels more speedy and slick now.

"Ah." Red son went silent after that, but after many minutes I almost trip from being sluggish. I let out a curse and Red leans down a little, giving me a look.

"I can carry you if you are too tired?"

I startle, looking to him, "What?? No! Pshh!" I deny, embarrassed that he even had to ask to carry me because of my carelessness.

The boy narrows his eyes, but then rolled them. He grabbed my arm and stopped me stepping in front and crouching down. "Get on my back. I'll buy your ribbon, you sleep."

I stare at him with wide eyes. "What?" I mutter, face warming up drastically. No way he's willingly giving me a piggy back ride so I can sleep! I end up having an internal freak out then reach down.

The moment my hand touches him it leaps back in shock. Nothing happened. He kept waiting patiently, or maybe not patiently, I couldn't tell. I felt too sleepy and a little lightheaded.

I finally muster up the courage and latch onto his back, his arms grabbing my legs as my arms wrapped around his neck as he stood up.

I realized now how tall Red Son was, my legs and arms tightening around him in fear at first. His body tensed up, so I released and whispered a sorry .

He shivered since I had just whispered into his ear, then sighed and kept walking. "It's okay. Just rest. I'll get you home."


I didn't know what time it was but I woke up with every bone in my body in pain, I must've slept weird because I was in a bed and not actually having anything dangerous around me.

I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I did not have my ribbon still, so I sighed and looked around.

My heart sank.

This was not my room. Not my room at all. It was more bigger, spacious. There was a large door then a smaller one on another wall. Why was the door so big?!

I slid out of the bed and walked silently on my feet, noticing the new red ribbon on the nightstand. I grab it and tie it around my forehead , fixing my hair. Then I get to snooping around.

This might've not been the best idea, but I had been kidnapped and I wasn't tied up or anything. I looked in the drawer of the nightstand but there was nothing but tools and maybe an empty picture frame, I didn't know.

There actually wasn't anything interesting in the room, but it was weird what I found. I walk over to the huge door and pushed it open. It freaked, I cringed, leaning my head out.

I knew these halls.

I was in Demon Bull King's Fortress!

I Immediately shut the door and begin to panic. Why was I so comfortable on the bed? Why am I in a bedroom.

Wait, the bedroom. It smelt familiar, like someone.

Burnt sugar.

Red Son.

My face grows red, hoping Red had not seen my panic. Just at that moment the smaller door opens and out comes Red Son, wiping  his hands on a towel. He looked as if he had been working.

He obviously noticed my red face, a grin etching across his face the moment he saw.

"Why am i in your house?!" I yell, walking over to him and angrily snatching the towel from his hand.

He flinched, staring at me in disbelief. "I-" he sighed, "Noodle boy, it was past twelve o'clock! I was not walking all the way back to your place. We were closer to my home."

"That doesn't matter. This is straight up kidnapping, Red Son." I glare.

Red kept staring at me like I made no sense, but after a moment i soften up with a sigh. I step closer to the fiery man, lifting my hand to his face and softly dabbing at his cheek with the towel. He had some black spots on his face.

His face became red so fast, and I could use smell the smoke after a moment. This is something straight out of a Sunday morning cartoon.

I smile, handing him back the towel, "I'm not too mad... but I wish you warned me. It scared me."

Red sighs, looking away. His face was still so red but he had controlled his fiery hair. "Yes, I apologize , Mk."

He called me my name. He really did.

My whole body melts and my own face heats up. I shake it off very quickly, since I'm good at hiding emotions that I do not want to be public.

I smile, "It's fine. You could've woken me up, but I don't care anymore." I shrug. "It's-" I look to the window and my eyes widen. "It's morning?!"

Red smirks, "Ten AM."

I groan, "I'm late for work, Red!!"

His face drops, "Oh." He looked like he was about to laugh.

I panic and walk back to the larger door, ready to leave out of the fortress this way, and even kept going upon Red's yells to stop. I didn't care. Pigsy would yell at me for hours and Tang's stupid little face of disapproval shaking his head at me as he- I stop dead in my track after exiting the room.

There, in front of me, stood the large Demon Bull King, and my sworn monkey enemy, Macaque.

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