Episode 7, Wood Of Truth.

Começar do início


Lucas(mind): Oh come on! Can't I get a break?!

The Crocodile begin to move forward.

Crocodile: Krrrrrrr!!!

The Crocodile look around. Trying to find it's meal.

Lucas(Mind): Don't look down! Don't look down! DON'T LOOK DOWN!!!

The Crocodile saw more bubbles coming from the swam. So in response it dive into the swam.

Lucas: *sighs in relief*

However the Crocodile came out of the water holding a smaller dead crocodile on it's mouth.

Lucas: Oh great.

Lucas saw the Crocodile rip the smaller crocodile to pieces and ate it. As pieces of it and drops of blood felt on Lucas face.

Lucas: Had to do that in front of me huh?

The Crocodile begin to sniff the air. It want it more food.

Lucas(mind): Stay still and don't move. It can't see me if I don't move....... hope watching Jurrasic Park was worth it.

The Crocodile look around him. Trying to sniff the air.

Lucas(Mind): If this work I'm giving all my chocolate bars to Mario!


Crocodile: *looks down and sees Lucas* Krrrrrrr!

Lucas: ..... I hate Jurrasic Park.

The Crocodile got closer to Lucas and begin to sniff him.

Lucas: Your breath stinks.

The Crocodile licks the blood on his face.

Lucas: Ew! Get your tongue off me!

Crocodile: Krrrrrrrr!!!

The Crocodile open his mouth. As Lucas could see the hundreds of teeth in it's mouth.

Lucas: Oh this is not good.


The Crocodile stops a few inches from eating Lucas.

Lucas: Wha?

The Crocodile stood up and begin to look forward. As if something caught it's attention.

Crocodile: .........

Lucas: What-

They felt the ground shake, as if something big just landed a mile away from them. This scare the Crocodile. Forcing it to return to the swam and swim away from it.

Lucas: Don't tell me there something even bigger around here?

He heard a familiar roar in the distance.

Lucas: Oh no. Not that wolf again!

He felt heavy footsteps coming towards his direction.

Lucas: Got to hide! But I don't even have enough strength to move a finger! FUCK IT!!

He use all the will power in him, pushing through the pain and slowly reach towards one of his Hook Claws.

Lucas: Just a little closer!

Super Mario Brothers, Kingdom Eye.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora