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2:13 am

I could not sleep, screaming music kept me up while bright purple lights from next door shined into my room. 

I let out an annoyed groan, turning in my bedsheets and using my own pillow as earmuffs. I tried going back to sleep but that just seemed impossible. Do they ever sleep I wondered forcing myself to get up

I didn't want to be a Karen but I'm sure people would understand. Without any care, I grabbed the closest clothes near me before throwing on my favorite brown coat.

My neighbor was maybe 200 meters away, but I could still hear the music from there. Only god knows how loud it truly is, hell even Russia could probably hear it.

Along the way I could make out a dark female figure sobbing on the cemented curb, she let out a crying wail, one that could only be produced by devastating news. Her head was tucked inside her elbow and her body shivered from the cold wind.

"why?" She moaned lowly, tears falling from her eyes.

I stopped in my movements, this feels weird like the start of a horror movie but i shook that thought away quickly.

"Miss, do you need help." I cautiously walked up to her but not before grabbing a sharp stick, I don't know just in case she turns out to be some monster.

She stiffens turning her head towards me. Her eyes reminded me of Christmas with her Sclera being bloodshot while the iris was green. She had puffy cheeks and soaked clothes.

 She's got slightly curly blonde hair, god she was really pretty.

I realized she wasn't much of a threat, quickly i threw the stick to the ground "May I ask what happened?" I said sitting on the curb only a few meters away.

She doesn't say anything at first, I let out a laugh, she just looked at me funny.

"I was in your place once."

She quirked a brow "Crying because of your boyfriend?" Her voice was broken. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yes but also no." She turns away, crying harder than ever before. 

"That doesn't mean I don't understand..".

"I caught him." She explained, My mouth drops. No way this woman just got cheated on, she's literally a goddess. I mean the way her dress perfectly captures her curves and the bright red lipstick, what kind of man fucks this up.

She let out a choked laugh like she could read my thoughts "His name is Robbie." She sighed but before I could say anything, She leaned in for a hug. The sudden act left me speechless for a bit but she saw something she wasn't supposed to see.

"Its alright."I tried to comfort her, I was never good at these things. Suddenly the woman began to bawl, her tears drenching my favorite shirt.

"May I ask your name, miss?" I said.

"Elizabeth call me Lizzie " She sniffs

"Well Lizzie its nice to meet you, my name is y/n." I grinned shaking her hand she responds with a small smile.

Even her smile is beautiful...

Elizabeths POV 

2 hours and 25 minutes ago

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