Oh, Rocio.

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The sky was dark and cloudy. The stars had yet to shine and illuminate Luna's path. How did she get herself in this mess, out in the middle of nowhere at night?

You see, Luna Wether would usually be one of the last people to leave their house and find a random cabin in the woods. Except for the fact, the one she adored was last seen near it. Her beloved partner, Rocio, was last seen December 16, 2070.

She knew they weren't dumb enough to get lost for days. Or at least, they were too scared to step food outside after the sun disappeared behind the snowy mountains. Something was wrong, and if anyone knew what to do about it, it was Luna.

She couldn't go another day without knowing Rocio was safe, at least not dead. To be brutally honest, she loved them too much to not be worried. She dreamed for the last two days Rocio would walk through that door, announce they were home, and it would end with a relaxing bath, and, finally they could sleep in the same bed.
It never happened.

Luna would die trying to find Rocio if she had to. And that's what she planned to do.

So, eight hours ago, Luna packed a camping bag full of water, snacks, a couple blankets, and two sleeping bags. And her journey began.

It started off quietly, the sun high in the sky, signaling it was almost noon. There wasn't much movement, nor many animals rushing about. Unusual, but not surprising. It was pretty cold out. Luna checked her thermometer, 39°F.(about 3°C.) She shivered, feeling the cold finally set in underneath her fake mink fur coat.

She finally found a fork in the trail, letting her know she was getting closer to the house. She took the left trail, stepping over the overgrowth of bushes. She watched the first rabbit she had seen all morning scamper away from under a bush.

After about 15 minuets of walking, and not seeing anything since the rabbit, she saw the house show up through the treeline. She sighed, hoping Rocio would be in there, safe and sound. If only, she thought.

Tearing her way through the underbrush and low-lying trees, she finally made her way to the house, walking closer to it. She shivered, feeling the cold seep in through the apple-sized hole now in her coat.

"Rocio!" She yelled, hoping for an answer. It stayed silent.

She walked into the house, noticing the door was still slightly ajar. Maybe it was because of a person, although the possibility was low. It was oddly warm, almost as if a fire had been lit recently. She couldn't see much, besides something in the shadows. It looked like a lump of blankets, maybe?

She took a lighter she had packed out of her bag, flicking it on. She walked closer to the mass, finally realizing what it was. She let out a loud scream no one would be able to hear.

"God, you scared the whole town, Rocio." Luna said, finally walking out of the hospital with them, hand in hand.
"Well it wasn't my fault the roof fell on me." Rocio grumbled, glad to be back with their beloved Luna.

They made it home together, getting into a hot bath with candles lit. Luna was glad Rocio was finally home, she wouldn't dare let them go into the woods alone again, ever.


A/N: I figured I'd change the story up a bit this time. Instead of a sad, deathly ending, I'd try a happy ending for once.

What's your thoughts on it?

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