Miniature Pony

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Hey, my name is Yodii, and I'm here today to tell you about my miniature Pony, Stella. 

Stella is a rescued miniature Pony, she was found locked in a horse stall and her only source of food was her fellow herd-buddy who had been killed and stuffed in her food trough. 

Due to this, I personally believe she has suffered PTSD of some sort, whether it is considered "scientifically possible" or not. 

I could go on about why I think this, or I could get straight to the point of what she did yesterday that really freaked me out. 

It was a normal Monday morning, I went out to the horses' barn to check on them and do my morning feedings. I noticed they all seemed on-edge and were looking in the direction of Cookie's stall, another rescued pony I have. Off the bat it was obvious Stella's gate had been opened and I remember latching it closed the previous night. 

I wasn't too worried, as their barn was surrounded by a fence so if she managed to get out she hadn't made it far. I walked down the corridor and immediately felt something was off, way off. 

Cookie hadn't stuck her head out to say good morning. 

She always does, unless there's something wrong, seriously wrong. 

Then I saw it, her gate was also opened, but I knew she wouldn't willingly just walk out to explore. I took two more steps and was shocked by the scene that lay before me. 

There Stella was, lazily chewing on Cookie's body. 

I couldn't believe it. Stella was just eating Cookie, unfazed by it all. 

Stella had done this. I know it was her. My husband tries to tell me it was an accident and Cookie had just passed and Stella escaped and saw her. 

It doesn't make sense though. Why would a horse eat a herd-member willingly? How did she escape? Why were BOTH gates open? 

It's a load of questions that just don't add up, but for now I'm going to go check on Stella again. Hope she's okay, maybe even forgot this happened. 

Maybe I can wash the blood off my hands, erase the brutal scene of murdering Cookie as she cried out. Maybe I can forget leaving the gates open and making Stella eat Cookie's body. 

Just Maybe I can forget it all.

Mini storiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ