Chapter 4: SalsaaaaAAaaaaAaaa

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    Honestly, chilling with Salsa wasn't too bad. You two immediately ran to his SBlox and looked over all the games. You suggested Stardew Valley, and he agreed. Salsa loaded it up and started a new farm. After he finished the tutorial and intro, you joined in. He began clearing up the farm and planting seeds while you introduced yourself to the townsfolk. After an hour or so of switching positions, one socializing while the other worked on the farm, the festivities began. Salsa barely won the egg hunt, with 14 eggs while you had the other 13. During the Flower Dance, you and he danced together since the townsfolk hated you both, and the sight of your strange characters along with the well-dressed NPCs was hilarious.

After playing Stardew for a while, Salsa's stomach rumbled. Honestly, you were hungry too, but the food you had bought was getting boring. Luckily, Salsa had tons of different things you had never heard of before and let you dig in. Your favorite food was by far the 'baked po-ta-toes' and you gobbled them down while Salsa ate some 'st-ea-k'. These foods had never been seen before by you or the Nether mobs, so you were delighted when you first ate a baked potato. Salsa giggled as he watched your pearly white eyes gleam at the sight of the baked wonders. You had scarfed down his entire stock, and your shadowy cheeks were dusted a light pink when you realized. He just laughed it off. "No worries, (SD/N)!" he said. "I'll just go to the Overworld and get more." You were excited about that.

"Wait, so there's a Nether portal near here?" you asked. "H-huh? Oh, yeah by the Helsmit village. I live back here, but I'm part of them," he explained. 'There are more people here? Dang!' "Could you show me the way?" you asked. He looked uncertain and opened his mouth to answer, but then you gave him puppy dog eyes and he sighed. "Alright, alright. But there's one problem," he said. You tilted your head in a curious way, as if asking 'What is it?' to him.

"You can't get into the Helsmit village unless you're a Helsmit, which you're not," he responded. Oh. That...WAS a problem. "Hmm," you hummed thoughtfully. "Who's the boss?" you asked. "His name is Evil Xisuma, or EX for short. He's a clone of the Overworld admin," he answered. "Clone?" you questioned curiously. He silently nodded. "Can't we just go to the edge of the village, and then you can explain the situation?" you suggested. He paused. "I don't think that'll work with EX..." he replied. "Let's just wing it then!" you shouted. After some hesitation, Salsa gave in and nodded to your 'plan'. You pumped your fist in the air and whispered a 'whoop!', to which he giggled. "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR, SALSA? LET'S GO!" you yelled.

Outside, Salsa began to pull out his Elytra, but you stopped him. When he tilted his head, you gestured to your wings. "Oh," he replied. You flew into the air, and gently grabbed his arms while slowly lifting him up. Once he was airborne, you beat your wings against the thick, foggy air and began the journey to the Helsmit village.

*holy NOTCH my fingers hurt dude! but look! INTERACTION WITH SALSA OF THE TEK VARIETY! also... little bit of a certain evil person next chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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