Escape From The Estate

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    "Hey!" He waved and surprised them both. "Just! Keep! Going! Straight!" Mikey yelled, trying to hang on. But Vern kept swerving because he couldn't see with Mikey in the way.

    "What's up, Angel cakes!" Mikey's head popped up over on April's side of the truck.

    "Fire!" I heard a voice yell over the roar of an engine that was very close. I looked up to see a large gun sticking out of the top of one of the vehicles. Like a tank's gun. It shot out a large cable line, and the end shocked the tree to the point of it burning and breaking in half.

    "Holy, shit!" I screamed.

    "Hang on, Y/n!" Leo yelled. His hands released my body as the terrain got even rougher. I grabbed tightly to the top of his shell under his neck, while he pulled out his katana's and used them to guide us where he wanted to go.

We glided across the snow, moving across the rocky slope. Avoiding the big protruding rocks and fallen trees and stumps. All while they keep trying to hit us with the taser. Leo's body curled around mine as we both screamed and went over a fallen tree. Tumbling into the air, until we hit the ground again. I looked up as Leo groaned in pain. The taser had finally hit it's mark and attached itself to the back of his shell.

    "Leo! Hang on! Guy's!?" I screamed for back up, looking back behind me at the truck in front of us.

I carefully maneuvered myself to a almost complete sitting position on Leo's plastron chest. I couldn't reach the taser until I moved. I wrapped my legs around Leo's shell the best I could and leaned forward tugging on the giant metal taser that was imbedded onto his shell. It was a lot harder to pull it off then I hoped, given the sped we were moving at, the unsteady terrain, all while trying not to fall off myself. Another taser came flying at me and I deflected it with my powers. Another shot out from the side and smacked into my chest. I screeched in pain at the high voltage, my body stiffening in shock and collapsed onto Leo.

Michelangelo noticed the trouble hearing my scream. He leaned down towards the open truck doors.

    "Guys! Leo and Y/n are in trouble!"

    "My shell's cracked. Just tape it up." Raph mentioned to his brother.

    "Allow me to be the badass for once." Donnie gave him an unsure look, before nodding encouragingly to himself. He growled and charged for the open back doors. He flipped in the air and landed in the powdery snow beside us. His hand reach out taking a hold of Leo's and pulled himself closer. "Hold on, guys. Disengaging!"

He pulled the piece away from my chest and I gasped out for air, sitting back up and gaining feeling in my body again. I ached all over. I looked down to see Leo was completely passed out.

    "Leo? Leo! Come back to me, the tasers gone!" I gently smacked his face, but he didn't get up. "Donnie, look out!" I yelled to him as one of the trucks sped up towards us. It hit the back of Donnie's shell and pushed him away keeping him in front of the vehicle.

    "God, I've always wanted to try this." Donatello took out his staff, placing it against the front of the car. He clicked a button, making it extend. My mouth opened slowly in shock as the car lifted into the air and almost taking out the other two vehicles as it rolled away. Donnie laughed and snorted, making me laugh and cheer for him.

    "That was awesome!" I laughed.

    "Hold on, Y/n. I'm swinging over!" Donnie called out to me. I nodded and held tightly to Leo's shell. He aimed himself at us, and slid through the snow, until I grabbed his hand and he caught onto Leonardo's shell with the other. "I got you, brother. I got you, guys. One car down, two to go."

The Mutants: Leonardo x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora