Meeting once again

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In a regular school day Derek , Scott , Theo , Draco , Blaise , Theodore and their friends are in front of their school lockers talking and then one of their schildhood friend Angel ran up to them with tears of joy and then she said " omg guys I got very exciting news for us today " then Lydia said " ok so what are the existing news for today Angel that got you all so exited " then Angel said " the news that got me very exciting is that our other childhood friends that we meet in daycare and elementary school are back and we all now what that means " then Malia said " wait you mean that Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville are coming back from Chicago to this high school today and we wouldn't be dealing with Derek , Scott , Theo , Draco , Blaise , Theodore in very bad moods everyday yes " . Then Pansy said " yes and we will be all back together and hangout together again " then Emma said " hey guys they are coming right now and I can't believe that they are finally back from Chicago we are going to be very happy to see Derek , Scott , Theo , Draco , Blaise, Theodore be again so love struck all over again form Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville to win their attention all the time " then the principal walk passed them with the new students that are Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville showing them the students lockers and the classes and the cafeteria the library so that they can remember where to go and not get lost on their first day of school and then the principal left them . And then Malia said " Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville is that really you guys how long has it been since we last saw you guys " then Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville turn around and to see their childhood friends they were happy and then Stiles said " yes it is us but we thought that you guys be in 12 grade already " then Cora said " yea but we didn't want to"then Isaac said " um Sti remember that we have to go to the sheriff department to talk to our dad about that thing remember and also remember that our uncles are going to call our dad about that right " then Stiles nodded his head so then Liam said " sorry guys we have to go and it was nice to see you all again but we have to leave know and we know you guys don't understand know but we will explain to you guys tomorrow so please don't follow us ok bye guys " .

Then they walk away from their childhood friends and went to their first period class that is history so then Derek, Scott , Theo , Draco , Blaise , Theodore are looking at the direction that Stiles , Isaac, Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville went and then they also left with the rest of their friends and to go to their first period class that is math and then time pass and it was lunch time so then all of the students left the classrooms and went to the cafeteria to eat their lunches then Allisson said " hey guys has anybody seen Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville at all and if not where are they " then Danny said " I saw them walking to the principal office and I thought they left the principal office but I guess not " . Then Jordan walk in went into the principal office to pick up his three son's and three nephews then he came out with Stiles, Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville fallowing behind him and leaving the school and they left the school so then Jackson said " what's going on why did Jordan came to pick up Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville today "then Cedrick said " let's follow them " then Jake said " we can't remember they have told us not to follow them so we can't go lets just wait for them to tell us tomorrow morning ok "then they all nodded their heads in agreement so then the bell rang saying that lunch is over and it's time for class to start so then they left the cafeteria to go to their next class. Then time have pass and school was over so then all of the students are leaving the school to go home then Derek said " let's just wait for Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville to tell us what's going on in there own time for know let's respect their decision an not be in their personal space ok " then Lydia said " yes let's do that and wait for them to tell us so know we need to think on plans todo  when we start to hangout back together " .

So then in the sheriff office and then Noah was in his office with his husband name Jordan are in a video chat with Noah's brothers that their names are James , Author , Marco and their lawyer an a attorney they are talking about the attempting kidnapping of their sons in Chicago homes and then a Chicago police officer said " ok the Chicago police department have great news that we arrested the kidnapper by the name Denis and he admitted of the attempting kidnapping of Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville and he is surly to rot in jail for 29 years for life in prison and no longer be free in the world " then Noah said " thank you so much know our sons are free and can be able to be with their friends and talk to them " . So then the video chat ended and then Stiles , Isaac , Liam , Harry , Ron , Neville got really happy that means that they can talk to their childhood friends an that they be able to talk to their crushes and can't wait to be with them and so they wanted to go back to their home to sleep because it's midnight so then they all left the sheriff department to go to their home cause they are very sleepy when Noah Jordan arrived back home with their three sons and three nephews and they all say good night and they went to their rooms to sleep for they can have their energy back for tomorrow morning.

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