
"Shota, yer alive!" someone exclaims excitedly from the front and with a pirate-ish accent.

"..." I don't even know what to say.
This person knows my name. Not a good thing.
But they don't sound hostile. Good thing at that.
I still don't know if we're being kidnapped so I just keep on looking confused.

"Haha, don't worry, comrade! Yer safe. Well- as far as ya consider safe drivin' with an ol' friend of yer's who didn't touch a car's wheel in a long time due to bein' driven to their destination a lot."
A nervous laugh follows after but I'm not quite awake yet so my brain isn't working right now.
I do know, that we are not in danger and, if my orientation is correct, we are driving towards UA so I don't have to worry that much.
I fall asleep again. I'm still tired as fuck.

Tsu's POV a few hours earlier:

Those two really fell asleep...
I grimace and let Fumi rest his head on mine. He sometimes is too tall for me!
Or I'm too small... But that's not the point.

I heard a plane arrive a bit earlier so it must be the person/s we are supposed to pick up.
The passengers soon walk through the entrance and I panic a little;
But just then I freeze in place.
I must have also fallen asleep. Yeah, that has to be it!
I can't believe my eyes. It must be a dream!

There, standing in the door to the lounge, is my sister. I can't believe it.
Then she spots us and walks over, smiling excitedly.
"Ahoiiii, Tsu 's that you?!"
I break out in tears. She is here!

Mizu POV:

I panic. A lot. My lil sister is sitting there and cryin'.
I don' know what to do!

"Tsu, calm down?!" My arms wave around franticly as I try to calm her down.
But she continues to cry silently and I continue to panic.
Then she stands up and pulls me into a hug.
After a bit I hug her back tightly.
"I missed you so much!" She chokes into my chest and my eyes fill with tears as well.
"I did, too, sweety." I rub my tears away and notice a boy with a raven's head awake. He must've layed on Tsu so he dropped to the side when she stood up so abruptly.

"Hey, Tsu?" I look down at her as she looses the hug to look up at me.
"I think your friend's awake." I smile as she turns around to the boy who now looks at the scene, eyes half open.

"Fumi, you're awake.", I can't see her face but I can hear her smile. The boy must be important to her.
"You sure he is?" He still isn't awake completely and looks half asleep at Tsu.
"Now that I think about it, no." she chuckles. "Now wake up, Fumi. I want to introduce you."

With that 'Fumi' blinked a few times and stand up now completely awake.
Looking more closely, it might be that kid that Keigo told me about last time he visited.
He walks towards us and Tsu turns herself so we all look at each other. I somehow must've grown... They are both a head smaller, well- Tsu one and a half.

The boy scans my features not moving a muscle when Tsu decides to speak up.
"This is Mizu Asui. My older sister by twelve years. Nee-san, this is Fumikage Tokoyami."
I smile, inwardly high-five-ing myself. Knew it!

" Ahoi, comrade! Nice to meet ya, Tokoyami. I already heard a lot about ya!" I grin and lift my hand as a greeting.
He nods, although confused, along with my sister.

Then a ... something appears behind me and I spin around and roundhouse kick it but my kick just goes through it.
"Holy McKnowley! Don't scare me like that, mate!"
"Aaaaaahhhhhh" the creature screams.
"Oh, Mother Sea! I am so sorry, lil one! I was just reactin', I didn't mean to scare ya." I start to pet the shadow thingy and it visibly calms down.

I turn back to the kids. They look at me, shocked.
"...What?" I am confused. The shadow has its head placed on my shoulder so I continue to pet it.
"Nice reflex, I guess?" Tokoyami says, still a bit stunned.
"Thanks, mate. She belongs with ya, I presume?"
I just knew the shadow was a she/they prefering creature. Don't ask why, I dunno it either.

"Yes, this is Dark Shadow. Part of my quirk. Sorry that she tried to scare you. She just wanted to get to know you." He scratched his neck.
" 's alright, deary. Now" I clap in my hands, "We should go, 'm I right?"

"You're right, just... one more thing: Who told you about me?" It was a genuine question so I chuckled.

"Does Hawks ring a bell?"
I laugh at their shifting expressions. Tsu is now laughing along with me and Tokoyami looks a bit flustered and annoyed at the same time. I can tell he is a good guy which Keigo already told me but you should always judge by yourself.

"What did he say?" Tokoyami asks, still a bit red.
"Oh, told me about this great kid he has with him for the internships who has a lot of potential so he would like to make him his sidekick in the future." I grin.
"T-that's what he said?" He seems a bit shocked.
"That's what he told me, kid. And" my grins forms into a knowing smirk, "about a certain relationship going on that I sooooo support!"
Their faces turn red. Tsu is hiding her face in her hands and Tokoyami crosses his arms while blushing.
We are still standing in a circle but I closed the gap and pulled them into a hug while I still laugh.

"Alrighty then, let's go?" I turn to leave but stop at Tsu's response.
"We probably should take Aizawa-sensei with us."
I turn around.
"I- sorry, Aizawa...sensei?" I look at them confused.

I only know one Aizawa and that hobo-looking ol' friend of mine hates kids to the ground of the sea and back to its surface.
But Tsu nods and points at a yellow burrito, laying by the sit layne from before.

"..." I stare, then burst out laughing.
"What?" Tokoyami ask completely confused.
"HAHDJVSHS- He- he is a teacher?! JSBSUSV- and he still didn't change an inch!!"
My laughter dies down and I wipe my tears. Then I walk over to the caterpillar and pick it up, throwing it over my shoulder.
"Alright, now let's go."

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