chapter 1

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Tommy liked tubbo, and that was in so many ways, they could talk for hours and never get bored.

But he was in manburg while Tommy was in pogtopia, so they couldn't talk. But Tommy would send letters. Talking about everything that came to mind.

But sadly they'd have to write it all down, witch ment all nighters. And that wasn't unusual, but all on writing. His hand was always sore. And really Tommy can't be mad.

Cause he would always get a letter back.

Last night was one of those nights were Tommy would write about anything and everything. The last letter tubbo gave him was layed on his desk.

And the whole thing was about bees, and Tommy didn't really like them, so he wrote about cows. If Tommy got a cow he would call it Henry, or Clementine.

He only went to bed at 4:00, and they sadly had a rule that the needed to be up by 5:00. And the only reason it was there is because techno was an early bird.

So when he heard stomping feet and chuffs, he knew it was time to get up. So Tommy got up and his bones felt like lead.

All he wanted to do was climb back into bed. But he needed to deliver the letter to manburg.

So he got up and went to one of the chests to see if there were any food, nope. Just potatoes.

So he took one raw potato.

He bit into it as if it were an apple. It wasn't bad, so he took another one for the road.

Before he left he went to check up on will, wilbur hasn't been doing the best, he has been slowly diving into insanity.

And Tommy didn't like that Wilbur, he liked the Wilbur that gave kisses and hugs, and how much he loves Tommy, but know this Wilbur just ignores him.

But he had to go to Wilbur first.

"Wilbur?" Tommy asked before he knocked on the door. "Come in." He heard a muffled voice say.

Tommy opened the door and stepped in.

"Hi will, what did you need?" Tommy asked not sure why he was really there. "Missed you." Was all Wilbur said be for coming up and kissing him.

Tommy kissed back, missing when things were not about war and revolution.

Tommy didn't even notice that he was slowly turning blue, he then pulled away from the kiss. A string saliva connecting there lips.

Wilbur pulled Tommy to his table and picked Tommy up and placed him on the table.

Papers being moved and crumpled under Tommy's weight and ink bottle falling over was for future Will to deal with.

They then connected lips again, kissing and loving each other. As if they were under the willow tree again.

Tommy then started to unbutton Wilburs shirt.

But good things come to an end, when Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's hip, Techno called Wilbur. Probably to talk about plans as it was close to the festival.

Wilbur groaned but stood up strait buttoning his shirt up again, and Tommy got off of the table.

"What are you doing today?" Wbur asked halfway finished with his shirt. "I'm gonna give tubbo a letter." And Tommy saw how Wilburs face turned serious at the mention of tubbos name.

"Tommy you know he's probably a traitor, don't tell him anything about pogtopia." Wilbur said sternly.

"Ok Will, bye." Tommy said before walking out the room with Wilbur behind him. He then went in the opposite direction of Wilbur.

While Wilbur was going deeper into the revine Tommy went to the surface.

He then went to the spot where Tommy and tubbo decided was the letter drop off spot.

He turned right and went to the river to have a little swim, while he was swimming he heard someone.

So he did the smartest thing, he went to the sound. Once he got there he saw tubbo.

"Hey tubbo!" Tommy said running to go give tubbo a hug. Tubbo turned around and saw Tommy running towards him, he gave Tommy a hug before he realised Tommy was soaking wet.

"Why are you so wet!?" Tubbo asked laughing. They then went to the river and tubbo jumped in. Tommy Followed.

They swam for a couple hours before getting out. Tommy then took off his top to dry it, and tubbo stared starting to turn red. He gave Tommy a letter befor Tommy told tubbo he had to go before running off and going back to the revine.

It was around 6:00 pm, so Tommy went back to the revine to go get food, but Tommy saw a deer on the way. And they needed some food.

Tommy slowly made a trap and went slowly away from the trap and to the back of the deer, the deer noticed this and ran straight forward into the trap, the trap caught the deer and Tommy smiled.

He caught something! Tommy grabbed the deer before slashing it's throat and dragged it back to the revine, witch wasn't too far.

Once he got there he yelled for Techno to come help him, once he finally got Techno to follow him, Techno saw the deer. Techno gave Tommy a head Pat. A head Pat!

Techno told the animal and took it to his room, and Tommy didn't follow. Too scared to see what's in that room.

Wilbur was no where to be found so Tommy went to his room to read the letter. He then wrote another letter to give back the next day
Hi I will be continuing this, also this have been remade. Hope you enjoy.

Let me know if there is grammar or spelling mistakes

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