Part 7: Killer Queen

Start from the beginning

A voice in the crowd speaks up. 

"So if you're really the spray-painter, do you mind if we call you XD at school too?" 

Clay could have sworn that his soul ditched him for a hot minute, before realizing that the person had already been given an answer. 

"Sure! But don't tell the police or anything, and no pictures, please. I really don't need to go to jail today!"

Wait, what? 

Tapping the shoulder of a kid next to me, I asked him what the hell Chad was talking about. 

While the dude didn't really give me a solid answer, something about needing to listen more, I refuse to give up that fast and I kept asking people what Chad was talking about. 

After poking around for a bit, I drew the conclusion that someone online was bragging about the supposed "fact" that they knew who had been doing the famous alleyway murals around town. 

The reason this is such a problem is because that person is ME. 

Since I don't really have very many hobbies, a couple years ago I got into spray paint, street painting, and overall, just less-than-legal graffiti. It was SUPPOSED to be something quick, just to know what it was all about, but it was really fun, and before I knew it, I was painting pictures of the magical beings of the DSMP. 

What? It's not like I had many other subjects to paint in my life. 

Sapnap, Wilbur, Philza, Puffy, and Gogy are my favorite subjects because they are the most photogenic\patient\willing to stay still for extended periods of time. I always need reference photos when I'm drawing people, and they tend to come out Hyper-realistic, or really trippy. Like, I love incorporating little aspects of my friends into the works, but some of my pieces may be a little . . . dark. 

Like something based on what I went through as a child or learning the hard way that no one was going to rush in to save me from my shitty ass family. Things like that ended up being the ones that took me the longest, but they were really nice to back up and appreciate and i liked having something to look on for my mental progress. Nowadays I don't really do dark stuff anymore! 

Eventually, I came up with an idea on how to help people who really needed it with my work, and it's made XD famous. Looking at how far I'd come, it was refreshing to see how much better I was doing than the rest of my relations.

What? Curious? 

You see, all you need to know is that people will pay good money for great singers, and I kind of act as George's agent. 

Ugh, I need to get out of here. This guy is giving me a headache, and I still need to go see Captain. 

Wilbur POV: 

Today started off on a normal-ish note. Woke up, ate, and got to school, but once I opened my phone I was totally spammed by Karl. This is SUPER unlike him because A. He would rather call me 2,000 times rather than text me 2 times in a row, And B. he was crazy late. 

That was my first clue that something was wrong. Karl is absolutely never late.

Skimming through the texts, i got the basic message. Karl wanted me to check out a user on multiple platforms called "Killaqween234". One of the worst names I've ever heard, but I'm pretty sure Karl didn't want to talk about the stupid username. 

I decided to check her Twitter, and for a good amount of time, I saw nothing wrong. 

That was until Karl told me to look at her last couple of tweets. 

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