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I've set for Bokuto for as long as I'd been playing volleyball. I was his setter. I knew exactly how to set him the ball, where he would be on the court, and I trusted him with every point. I've dealt with all his quirks and struggles through the years.

I've always felt... connected to Bokuto, I'd always thought it was because he was my best friend but now I'm not so sure. It was a normal practice, I'd felt nervous after watching Karasuno's sets a few weeks ago and I was now trying them. The drop set was hard but I knew Bokuto could hit whatever I sent him. I continued to send sets to Bokuto and Bokuto only.
"Hey man, send me a set!" Washio yelled, "Are you in love with him or something?"

I knew it was a joke but, as soon as he said it my heart began to pound. Bokuto is my friend, my best friend. My face got hot and red, the ball I was meant to set fell on my face. "W-what no?!" I picked the ball off the ground and threw it at Washio.
"Its hard not to fall for me," Bokuto slicked back his already greased up hair, it popped right back up.
"Oh shut up, you don't even have a girlfriend," I tried to hide my embarrassment.
"The right one is whoever is deaf enough to put up with you,"
"AKAAASHIIIIIII!!" He fell to the floor on his knees.
The coaches whistle blared, "done already?" Washio glanced over at the scoreboard. I didn't care we were finished though, I really just wanted to go home. I was embarrassed enough for today. I kept thinking about that word, love. I don't "love" Bokuto. He's whiny, arrogant, and annoyingly loud. I didn't mind any of those things but its still reasons not to love him.

While I was changing in the locker room I could see Bokuto approaching me from the corner of my eye.
"So those falling sets that Kageyama did, are you trying to do that too?"
"Enough about volleyball, Bokuto I'm tired,"
"Please just set me a few more!"
"Its never a few more, its hours and hours of extra practice,"
"You know you love it though,"

There was that word again, love.

"What?! No I don't,"
"Akaashi getting all flustered makes me giggle," he tauntingly danced around me.
Was I really going to let myself get flustered by an obnoxious spiker? No.
"Goodnight Bokuto,"

I hated that word. Love.

What kind of word is that? I've never felt love or anything surrounded by it. No feeling of mine will ever be connected to another person, too much heartbreak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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