Gregory Afton-Emily

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Gregory pov

3 years ago....

"you will be back right?" I asked as dad hugged me "I will always be with you." My dad Michael Afton-Emily or better known as Mike Smith. Mom left us a year ago so Terrence my big brother was watching us. Dad left for work who would have thought that was the last time I'd ever see him. Time past me, Terrence, Elizabeth, and Christina ware watching movies. When their was a knock on the door. "Are you Terrence Smith?" the officer asked after Terrence opened the door. "yes" "their was a fire at Freddy's fezbears pizza.....I'm sorry for your loss"





I was knocked out of my thoughts I looked at the glamrocks and Vanessa (freed from grandfathers control)

Freddy pov

"are you ok superstar?" "yep just thinking about my dad and siblings" We were shocked he has a family. "my dad was amazing but.....he went missing after the fire at Freddy's fezbears" "your dad worked their maybe we could find out what happened what's his name?!?!" Chica yelled. Officer Vanessa look annoyed knowing she was going to be doing the hard parts but you could tell she cared. "M-Mike Smith was his new name" he said.

30 minutes later 

"your fathers file is protected by Henry Emily" Monty said but Gregory didn't seem shocked "I know" "do you think you know the password?" Roxy asked. "Charlie Emily?" It was wrong. Gregory was confused "that was his password to everything" Gregory said. "wait try....Michael Afton-Emily" Afton. William Afton was the first person to come to mind. "last chance" Officer Vanessa said. "try Gregory Afton-Emily..." their was silence and it was correct. We all looked at Gregory "Yes I'm an Afton William Afton is my grandfather same with Henry Emily"

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