"I have all this time..."

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Y/N's POV:

I lay in bed. I really don't know what to do, should I leave or go talk to Axl?
We kissed. So are we still friends and we go back to normal or what?
I looked over at him and he still looked like he was thinking about what he was gonna say.
"Yes Axl?"
"Remember when we made up and you said you had something important to tell me the day I left?"
You gasped quietly. Did he figure it out? "Yeah.."
"What were you going to say?"
"Uh.." You stopped. Should you tell him?
He looked at you.
"Um... we'll, I had wanted to tell you that-"
Both of your head jolted towards the door. You both heard a window crash.
Axl got out of bed and grabbed the metal bat from his closet.
"Axl, what if it's just a fan?"
"Still gotta be safe. Stay here"
"No. Stay here."
You watched as he walked out the bedroom and headed down the stairs.
You waited a minute and decided to head down. He can't keep you up here.
As you walked down, you heard the broom being dragged across the floor. You look across the room to see a pissed off Axl sweeping glass off the floor.
You carefully walk as to not step on glass.
"What happened."
Axl huffed. He pointed to a paper on the counter.
"That happened." You walk over to the counter and look at the paper.

I thought I was clear with my last note. Obviously you don't listen well. See, when he left we were happy. If you can't accept that then I'll have to show you.
You should stop hanging around William before someone gets hurt.

A tear fell from your face. And Axl noticed as he was throwing glass away.
"Hey, Y/N, don't worry. He can't get to us."
"No Axl, you don't know him he will hurt you and me."
"I'll get a better alarm system and a guard dog."
"That won't do anything. Axl, I love you, if he hurt you, I don't know what I'd do."
"Y/N, what did you say?"
"I said I love you and-"
"You love me?"
"....yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you....that day you left."
"Do you... love me?"
"I have all this time....I just could never get you out of my mind."
Axl wrapped you in a tight hug as you started sobbing.
You finally said it. A weight off your chest. But now what?

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