The auditorium was crowded when the couple arrived. Unfortunately, for them the only seats available were directly behind Cassie.

"We don't have to sit there if you're going to be uncomfortable." Nate assured Adaline as he held her hand leading her down the stairs.

"It's fine. I'll live." Adaline mumbled walking to her seat.

Cassie quickly glanced behind her at the sound of Adaline's voice. She froze as she made eye contact with Nate. The Jacobs boy of course looked away from her as quick as he could and cursed himself for making eye contact with her in the first place.

Adaline could see Rue sitting across the aisle from her and Nate. When she caught the curly haired girl's eye she smiled and sent her a small wave.

Rue had stopped by to visit and apologize to Adaline two days ago. It was safe to say that she was quite shocked to learn that Adaline had the baby. But Rue was happy for her friend and proud of herself. She was proud to say that she met Adaline's daughter sober.

"I think Maddy is sitting down there." Nate suddenly spoke catching both Adaline and Cassie's attention.

The blonde couldn't help that she was entranced by his voice. As soon as she heard Nate speak she was hooked. There was no way for her not to listen to the couple's conversation.

"I'll talk to her after the play." Adaline said as she noticed the lights in the auditorium starting to dim, signaling that the play was about to begin.

The play started out with Rue's father's funeral. During the whole scene, Adaline had kept glancing at Rue to make sure that she was okay. She knew how bad his death affected Rue.

"I knew Jade had been doing drugs, but it wasn't until that day, at her dad's memorial, that I realized they were a greater comfort than I ever could be." Lexi began narrating. "Maybe that's a silly observation, but I was only 13. It was the summer before I started ninth grade... back when we thought we'd all be friends forever."

The scene quickly changed into a blank backdrop and a stool. There was someone pretending to be a photographer. Adaline was a bit confused as to where the play was going but continued to watch.

"There were five of us." Lexi smiled sitting in the chair and posing for the camera. "There was me, Grace..." A blonde then took Lexi's place. "My sister, Hallie..." The next to sit in the chair was a dark haired girl that was a dead ringer for Maddy. "Her best friend, Marta..."

"Holy shit." Adaline mumbled to no one in particular. She had just realized that the play was about them.

"Marta's best friend, Luna." Adaline guessed this was supposed to be Kat. "My best friend, Jade." The curly haired Rue lookalike was the next to come on stage. The Kingston girl was hoping she'd be left out but that wasn't the case. "And everyone's best friend Abby."

And there she was. Her lookalike was tall with long flowing brown hair. The girl was wearing a teal flowered dress, that Adaline was sure she had somewhere in her own closet.

Nate was equally as shocked as Adaline to see the girl on stage. The resemblance between the two was crazy. Lexi had even given the girl a similar sounding name.

"And this is life. Not everyone's life..." Lexi announced as the group held up the giant letters. "But our life!" The crowd was silent as they watched one of the letters fall.

𝗱𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 - 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now