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⋆ Chapter 30 ⋆
Toxic Masculinity



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Nate and Adaline went out for dinner to celebrate his win. The brunette was still hungry. The cheese fries she ate didn't fill her up as much as she would have liked. That was one thing Adaline didn't like about being pregnant. She was always hungry.

"So what did you think?" Nate questioned as the two sat eating their food. He had decided to take the girl to her favorite diner.

Adaline wasn't the fancy restaurant type of girl. She didn't need Nate to spend a ton of money on her just to show that he cared. She liked the small things that he did for her. Like how he immediately knew which side of the booth she liked to sit on or how he remembered her order.

"I thought you did great Nate. It was everyone else that was having a hard time." She smiled taking a sip of her vanilla milkshake.

"I know but you know my dad won't think that." The boy sighed, smiling slightly as he watched her take a bite out of her burger.

"No offense Nate but your dad is a dick." Adaline shrugged. "I used to think he was cool, maybe a little over dramatic but still cool. Now? Let's just say after living with him for a few months I've realized how controlling he is."

Adaline wanted to say that she now knew why Nate was the way he was, especially after the whole tape thing. But she kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to upset him. A lot of Cal's behaviors are extremely similar to Nate's. She recognized that and it scared her. She didn't want Nate to turn into a mini Cal. One Cal was enough.

"I know. I've been dealing with it my whole life." Nate sighed. "I think it's gotten worse recently. He just puts too much pressure on me. Everything I do has to be perfect."

"You're never going to win with him. He's never going to be satisfied with anything you do."

"It just sucks. I try my best to be what he wants and to protect the family name. I mean look at the Jules situation." Nate scoffed. "Do you think I honestly wanted to fuck with her? I had to do it to protect him. He doesn't even know what I did for him."

The brunette nodded agreeing with Nate. She knew he did everything to please Cal. In her eyes Nate wasn't a bad person. Everything he did was because he thought he was doing the right thing. She knew he admired Jules. Adaline could tell from their messages that he was genuinely interested in the girl. Should this have made her angry? Probably. But she knew Nate wasn't in love with Jules. At least not in the same way he was in love with her.

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