Act 3 scene 1

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Benvolio and Mercutio were standing in the courtyard of the school. It was a million degrees outside and Benvolio was burning up. "Mercutio, it's way too hot to be outside right now. You know how the heat makes people angy like Tybalt. Let's go inside."

"Shut up Benny Boi, you're Italian and get into fights just as much as Tybat," Mercutio says back.

"Oh my god, there's Tybalt!" Benvolio gasps.

"Oh my god, I don't give a shit," Mercutio teases.

"Excuse me, I would like a word," Tybalt says.

"Blow me daddy," Mercutio says.

"He means that in a gay way," Benvolio clarifies.

Tybalt rolls his eyes. "Mercutio, you play with Romeo," Tybalt teases.

"We're not a fucking band. If we were you'd only hear shitty music," Mercutio says.

Benvolio grabs his face. "Do you guys not remember the Principal's warning? We can't fight at school anymore, and everyone is looking at us."

Tybalt grabs Mercutio's arm and pulls him off school property. "We're not at school anymore. So, theoretically, we could fight as much as we like." Romeo leaves the school building. "As much as I'd love to beat your ass, I see the man I came for."

"You cum for Romeo?" Mercutio asks, "Wow, and here I thought you loved me."

Tybalt ignores him. "Hey Romeo!" He shouts. Romeo turns and walks over to them like a lost puppy. "I'll say the nicest thing I can think of to say about you. You're a fucking asshole." He pushes Romeo to the ground.


"How dare you kiss Juliet!"

"Tybalt," Romeo says through gritted teeth, "I have nothing against you. Goodbye."

"How dare you? You've insulted my cousin and myself. Fight me you bastard," Tybalt says and spits on Romeo.

"I won't," Romeo says, "because I value you as a person."

"Oh shut the fuck up Romeo!" Mercutio groans, "You're being a coward!"

"Oh?" Tybalt says turning to Mercutio dramatically.

"King of Cats, I only ask for one of your nine lives," Mercutio teases.

"Come on Mercutio, you know this is stupid-"

"Shut up Romeo!" Mercutio snaps, "Punch me Tybalt, if you dare."

"Benvolio, please break this up. This is so stupid."

"Nothing has happened yet," Benvolio says, shrugging, "They'll just get more angry if we intervene."

Tybalt and Mercutio start throwing punches at each other while Romeo and Benvolio stand helplessly to the side. "Come on guys!" Romeo says jumping between the two of them. Tybalt rolls his eyes and punches Mercutio, perhaps a bit harder than he should've.

"Oh you son of a-" Mercutio says, holding onto his nose. "Romeo! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Tybalt's friend whispers something into his ear, and the group runs back inside. "Did Tybalt run off? What the- Benvolio I'm feeling drowsy," Mercutio says. Blood is pouring out of his nose rapidly.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse? How are you feeling?" Benvolio asks.

"How the fuck do you think I'm feeling you ass?" Mercutio yells, "Romeo! Why the fuck did you come between us? Everything was going fine until you intervened."

"Mercutio, I think you might have a concussion," Benvolio whispers.

"What? I dunno maybe? I'm gonna go to sleep now good night," Mercutio says.

"Mercutio! Mercutio get up!" Benvolio says shaking Mercutio.

Romeo's heart harderns with rage. He runs into the school and jumps on Tybalt. "Fuck you!" He screams punching Tybalt.

"Romeo!" Benvolio screams, "This isn't helping!"

Romeo hits Tybalt's leg over and over until he hears a horrid crack. Tybalt screams in Romeo's ear and passes out. "Oh my god," Romeo says, grabbing his mouth, "what have I done?"

"Run Romeo! Before the Principal sees you!" Benvolio says pushing Romeo away.

"What will you do?" Romeo asks.

Benvolio shoots Romeo a harsh look, and Romeo runs home to hide.

"Benvolio! What's the meaning of this? The nurse told me you dropped Mercutio off in his room- Is that Tybalt?" The Principal asks.

"I can explain everything, sir! Tybalt and Mercutio got into a fight, and Romeo broke something in Tybalt I don't know what-"

"Call an ambulance, Benvolio, now," The principal said gravely. Benvolio nodded nervously and dialed the number, quietly sobbing.

"Romeo tried to stop the fight, but he only made things worse!" Benvolio cried.

"It doesn't matter! My nephew is hurt, Romeo will have to pay for this," The principal says, massaging his temples.

"Please sir, give Romeo some mercy-"

"No. I'm going to expel him. This is all his fault. Tell the Capulets and Montagues that their stupid fight hurt an innocent boy. Mercutio had nothing to do with this," The principal said and then turned dramatically to go back to his office. Benvolio bit his tongue, deciding that he won't make things worse by telling him that Mercutio asked to fight Tybalt.

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