-insert cool party scene here-

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Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio were standing outside of the Capulet house. They could hear the music pounding from inside. Romeo cranes up his neck at the mansion and sighs. Rosie used to live here before she died.

Mercutio grabs Romeo's shoulder aggressively. "What are you moping about, idiot?" He asks

"Mercutio, you're the dumbest person I know," Benvolio says with an eye roll.

"I wear that as a badge of honor," Mercutio quips.

"Mercutio, hand me a torch, I don't feel like dancing," Romeo says.

Mercutio rolls his eyes. "You have to dance Romeo! You're a lover, borrow Cupid's wings and you'll fly above us all." Mercutio spins Romeo around making Romeo very dizzy.

Romeo blushes. "I had a dream last night."

Mercutio gasps theatrically, "So did I!"

"Well, what did you dream of?" Romeo asks.

"That dreamers often lie!" Mercutio says, smirking.

"They do lie in bed," Benvolio adds.

"Romeo, do you truly believe that dreams are true?" Romeo nods, "Ah! So you've been visited by Queen Mab!"

"Queen Mab? Who is Queen Mab?" Romeo asks.

"'Who's Queen Mab' and Benvolio says I'm the dumbest. She's the fairy midwife. She's no bigger than the alderstone. She rides around in her carriage drawn by tiny creatures and haunts mens sleep."

"What about women?" Benvolio asks, crossing his arms in disbelief.

Mercutio shrugs, "Women aren't affected by her, I don't know why."

"What abou-"

"Anyway!" Mercutio snaps, clearly annoyed, "She gallops through lovers', like you Romeo, dreams and they dream of love. She gallops through noblemens dreams, and they dream of attention, through lawyers' dreams and they dream of money. Whatever, it doesn't matter."

"Mercutio, you're talking like a crazy person," Romeo said with a shit eating grin.

"That's the nature of dreams, Romeo. They're children of an idle brain."

"That's fucking deep Mercutio," Benvolio says, "but the dinner is over and we'll be late, come on."

"I have a feeling that something bad will happen," Romeo whispers, "But no matter, let's go!"

Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio lock arms and run into the party.

Juliet moves her chocolate brown hair out of her face. She feels awkward at her party. At least her cousin Tybalt is here, the two of them were pretty close. "Juliet?" She saw someone with brown hair, green eyes, and a dorky smile on his face. Juliet recognized him immediately, he was Paris.

"Oh, hi Paris," Juliet says. She understands why he thinks she's cute, she knows she's cute. She has big brown doe eyes and long eyelashes. She's known how to do makeup since she was little. She was very rosy and had many freckles. She was cute, and Paris was old.

"Uh, can I get you a drink?" Paris asks. She's 14! Why is he offering a 14 year old alcohol? She shakes her head and pulls out her phone. Ignore him, and then he'll disappear. Juliet knew she told her mom she'd try to accept his love but he's weird.

He pulled out his phone and his eyes widened. "Uh...okay, look I gotta go. It was nice seeing you Juliet," Paris says and then walks off. What was that about?

"Jules!" Tybalt yells.

"Ty!" Juliet yells back.

The two of them run up to each other and do their secret handshake. Tybalt messes up his little cousin's hair. "How've you been, kid?" Tybalt asks.

Romeo and Juliet but Juliet is a LesbianWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt