-insert cool party scene here-

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"Fine, fine. Paris was talking to me. Mom says he has a crush on me," Juliet says, ignoring Tybalt calling her a kid even though they're 2 years apart.

"He's rich right?" Tybalt asks

"Yeah but he's old," Juliet points out.

"But he's rich, and that's all that matters," Tybalt points out. Juliet rolls her eyes and pushes her cousin's shoulder, she then sees someone across the room. He was also staring at her, she's never seen him before. Maybe he's a relative of Paris or one of her father's business partners' sons. He has blonde hair and tan skin, he has icy blue eyes that Juliet feels pierce her soul. The two seem to stare at each other for a while before Juliet snaps back into reality.

"Sorry Tybalt, what was that?" She asks.

"I said, he's not that bad. It's good for your dad too. He's kinda weird though, he's one of the richest kids at school but still works at Baskin Robbins," Tybalt says, crossing his arms. Juliet sneaks another glance to the mysterious guest.

Romeo noticed that the beautiful girl was talking to Tybalt. Her brown eyes and hair captivated him, but she was somewhere on the Capulet's good side since she was at this party. He tapped a server on their shoulder.

"Hey, do you know who that is?" he asked.

"I don't," replied the server. Someone gestured for them to come over, so the server left.

Juliet stood out in the crowd of Capulets. She was too beautiful to even die or get buried. She was the prettiest person there, and Romeo wanted to talk to her. He felt like he was getting his first crush all over again.

While he was staring at Juliet, Tybalt looked at him and they made eye contact. They had an intense staring contest for what seemed like hours until Tybalt excused himself from his conversation with Juliet.

Tybalt went over to Capulet and grabbed his shoulder. "Uncle! Our enemy's son is at the party!"

"Is he enjoying himself," Capulet said, very drunk.

"He's eyeing your daughter up and down!"

"Listen, has he done anything?"

"Well no-"

"Then let him be Tybalt!" Capulet said, very slurred.

"I can't stand for this!" Tybalt cries.

"Yes you will! Or else you'll leave!" Capulet snarls.

Tybalt rolls his eyes and storms off.

Paris rushed out of the party and got in his car. He called someone on his phone and put it on speaker.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" a voice cried out.
"I'm sorry Hank! The Capulets invited me to a party and I couldn't get out of it!" Paris replied. Part of that was a lie but he didn't need to know that.

"Get your suit on and come to my house! You knew that we were doing this tonight!"

"Well sorry that I was trying to hang out with the girl I like for a bit geez."

Paris parked his car at Hank's house and put on his ant man suit. He's been working with Hank since the beginning of his junior year. His daughter Hope is around the same age as him, but Hank doesn't want to tell her about the ant man stuff yet.

Before he could knock, the door opened. "Quick get in," Hank said.

As he walked in Paris said, "I can't believe I had to leave Juliet there. She probably doesn't have anyone else to talk to."

"Isn't she like a freshman or something?"

"Yeah but her dad asked me to try and get with her because he thinks I'm good for his daughter."

"...sometimes you're more gullible than a 5th grader. Also how does he trust YOU when YOU'RE THE ONE THAT TRIED STEALING MY SUIT!"

"That was for a dumb dare! Now come on tell me how we're going to stop Cross!"

"Well maybe we should just wait since you seem to be distracted by this Juliet."

"But you said that he was going to blah blah blah i need to rewatch ant man"

"I was being sarcastic."

Juliet blows a piece of hair out of her face when a slower song starts playing. God, her mom must have added this hoping she'd dance with Paris. Where is her mom by the way? Her dad was here; she knew that, but her mother was hiding upstairs somewhere.

"Hi, uh I don't know you but would you like to dance with me?" The mystery guest asks.

Juliet raises an eyebrow. Romeo feels her distress and takes her hand. "Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you're offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss."

Juliet laughs at him. "What are you a poet?" She decides to play his game. "Anyway, by holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss."

"Saints and Pilgrims have lips too," Romeo quips.

"Lips that they must use in prayer," Juliet quips back.

"Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me," Romeo says. Juliet is too stunned to move and she knows that she's redder than the apple that tempted Eve.

"Saints don't move," Juliet says, trying to hide her feelings. Romeo seems not to notice, or at least he spares her feelings enough not to point it out.

"Then don't move while I act out my prayer," Romeo says. Juliet turns her face from his.

"This isn't what I want my first kiss to be like," Juliet says.

Romeo nods. "Then simply let me hold you," He requests. Juliet allows that and the two sway slowly. Juliet could feel her extended family and family friend's eyes on her, but she couldn't care less.

"Madam, your mother wants you to go to bed. Say goodnight to your friend," Her nurse says, giving Romeo a death glare.

"Goodnight sir," Juliet says coyly.

"Wait I didn't-" Romeo gives up. "Are you her nurse? What is the name of the sweet girl who just left?"

"That's my mistress Juliet. Her mother is the lady of the house. She is a good, wise, and virtuous lady." Nurse says and then walks away.

Romeo's eyes widen. Shit, she's the Capulet's daughter. How could he have fallen in love with his enemy?

Romeo and Juliet but Juliet is a LesbianDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora