🂡🂡🂡chapter 1🂡🂡🂡

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Y/n pov:
You wake up to the sound of the small alarm clock next to you and turn it off, today was the end of your visa and you needed to renew it. You grab your stuff, bow, arrows, daggers, you had decided on going with your favorite outfit (#1) today since you needed to clean the other clothes you had worn. You had been in this game for a month now, you don't know how you got there but if you were being honest it was way more peaceful than dealing with your loud neighbors back in the real world, after you had finished getting ready you ate a small snack before leaving you grabbed your stuff at the door and walked out, you had been in 6 games and won in all of them, though most people had died. You didn't mind that though since you never got close to anyone anyway, though for some reason the other people who did make it started calling you "shadow slayer" or "nightmare" you never understood why but you just went with it you never talked and always hid your face with a metal mask, you could breathe easily in it since it was a breathable mask but it was annoying to wear, but you liked wearing it to hide your identity, you never liked people seeing your face since you were little, people would always say strange things about it so you just stopped. You even left everyone who was close to you just because how toxic they were getting around you. You had traveled to Japan to get a fresh start after living in America most of your life (if you don't live in America im sorry) not even a week in living in Japan you ended up in this game "the borderland" you called it, though it kinda of reminded you of a movie you watched when you were a kid, you just went with it though.

1 hour later:
You had been walking around Tokyo for a while now an it had started to get dark, you waited for the games to show so you could choose which one you wanted to go to. After a while you saw the games light up, you choose to go to the one that is closest to you, you walked into a building, it was pretty big, you grabbed a phone the intercom said something but you just ignored it and walked to a corner of the room and sat on the floor, you wished you had brought your headset but left it with your stuff in your apt after a minute a group of people walked in you took note on their appearance, you saw the males had blue wrist bands and the females had pink, you looked at their faces and memorized everything about them, a girl about average height with short hair, another girl the same but with long dreeds a male a little above average with short hair and a male around average with long blonde and brown hair he kinda reminded you of Kenma from that one volleyball manga/anime you read/watched you watched as they grabbed the phones on the table and walk over to other sides of the room, you seem to take note when other people of old ages started to walk in and you looked a bit worried for them.

"The game will now begin, Difficulty 6 of spades"

"The game, hide n seek"

"Rule: Hide from the seekers until the time runs out, survive and you will get out alive, if the seekers find you and place a red ribbon on you before the time runs out you will be eliminated"

"You have ten minutes to hide starting now"

A the timer on the phone started, you ran up to the top floor, you remember this place well, someone you knew told you about a crawling space in there in case you were on the run from someone, but you decided to pick something that wasn't so obvious just incase the game master knew about it, you choose a room that looked very bland and hid in there, you then walked into the closest and hid, you could honestly careless about hiding but if all the seekers could do was put a dumb ribbon on you to get you killed, you weren't taking any chances. You looked at the phone and the time stopped, you heard a loud alarm sound outside of the room.

"The seekers are on the move"

You hear people screaming outside then the sound of a small explosion. The ribbons were bombs, small but big enough to kill you. You heard the door of the room you were in open then close,as you hold on to the handle of your dagger you hold your breath to not make a sound, the closest door opens and you stand up quickly pointing the dagger at the persons throat, you pull away realizing it was the Blondie from the start of the game, you pull him into the closest and close the door quietly and quickly. You turn to him and glare at him, "what the hell are you doing in here and why are you so damn loud you gonna get us caught" you whisper yell, he looks at you and smirks leaning against the other end of the wall in the closet. "I thought I was alone" he said quietly. You roll your eyes and lean against the wall spinning your dagger around trying to keep yourself occupied, now that you think about it, they never gave you a time limit for the game, you look at the phone, and it didn't have a time, you were confused. "So you noticed that too." He says sighing like a bored teenager. "I guess this is a game of whoever gets the guts to kill the seeker can stop the game, or till the seeker kills everyone here" you say a little irritated. "Not as fun as I thought it be" you mumble to yourself not knowing that the male next to you had heard you. "Your an interesting one.. " he says to you. You roll your eyes as you hear more people being blown up down on the floor below you. You sigh and get out of the closet grabbing the bow off your shoulder and grabbing an arrow, "guess I'll have to find out what's really going on" you say leaving the room not know the blonde was following you out, you stand on the edge of the building looking around for the seeker, you found them. You ready the arrow on your bow pointing it at them then releasing it, you shot them with an explosive arrow, after a few seconds the seeker blew up.

"One out of three seekers are killed time remaining 20 minutes"

You smirk under your mask, not noticing a seeker coming fairly close to where you are.

"One of the seekers are on the 4th floor, whoever is up there run!" You heard a male scream, you look around and see the seeker walking towards you away from the stairs you grabbing your arrow pull it back on the bow and release, hitting the man in the chest, blowing him up after the impact.

"Two out of three seekers are killed time limit, 10 minutes"

"So the time is reduced by ten minutes for every seeker we kill" you hear a familiar voice behind you say. "Guess we were thinking the same thing" you say getting down from the edge, you walk over to the blondie and stare at him, trying to read him but you can't, usually you can read people like a book but this man is different. "So what's your name blondie" you ask him. "Blonie?" He sighs "it's chishiya, chishiya shuntarō, and you?" He says, "most people I come across in games call me shadow slayer or nightmare, but you can call me y/n, y/n l/n" you say. Both of you hear gunshots from the second floor and look over the edge to see what happened.

"Congratulations on winning you may now leave the arena"

The voice on the intercom says, you and chishiya look at each other and shrug, you both walk down to the entrance and leave as he joins the group he came in with, before you could go far someone taps you on the shoulder, you turn around and look at them. "Hm?" You hum raising an eyebrow. It was another one of the males from the beginning, the one with the short black hair. "Would you like to join us, to Utopia?" He asks, you look at him confused. "Utopia? Isn't that the beach that requires the other players to only wear swimsuits?" You say a little annoyed. "Yeah but Hatter, wanted us to bring back some new players." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not going to a place that will force me to wear revealing cloths, it's not against what I think I just don't like to wear anything like that." You say as you start to walk away. "We can try to persuade him, if you'd like." He says, you stop. "If he is not persuaded I'm leaving then and there." You say as you walk back over to them, you had only said that because you knew he was the type to annoy you until he got his answer. A car pulls up next to you for some reason you didn't realize that chishiya had went off to get the car, you didn't even know he was the driving type. "I call a window seat" you say and the female with dreeds opened the passenger side and gestures you to sit up front. "Huh?" You say in a confused tone. "Just get in" she says, you follow suit and sit in the passenger seat next to chishiya, the others gathered in the back of the car and chishiya starts driving. You look out the window watching as the scenery goes by blocking out any conversation going on in the car.

Let The Games Begin {chishiya x male reader} Where stories live. Discover now